Hi there, this is my second post and in fact this question is the reason I became a member at this forum. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, if I'm in the wrong section off this forum please tell me.

Where I work we have a Microsoft Proxy server 2.0 and a Cisco Pix 515 firewall together with a 2Mbit connection to the internet.

Since a few weeks they installed the URL filtering application Websense. http://www.websense.com

The problem now is that I can't visit all the sites I want, they blocked MP3 and X rated sites. I really don't care about that kind off sites, the problem is they also blocked the gaming and vacation sites. And that is a problem IMO

Does anyone in this forum have any experience with Websense and then in particuler getting by websense. I realy want to visit the sites I want.

Thanks in advance for your response....

Crazy Bill