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Thread: Antipoint... REPLY TO COMMENT.

  1. #1
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Antipoint... REPLY TO COMMENT.

    I think it would be a very useful feature of the reciever of an antipoint could send a reply to the person who assigned the antipoint (if the antipoint is in your most-recent list).

    The person recieving the antipoint would have no way of knowing who they are sending their reply to, unless the antipoint-giver replies back via PM. I know that several times I've wanted to let the assigner know that I was just quoting someone, or wasn't trying to say whatever they were pissed about.

    Please DO NOT speak about making anything else mandatory for Antipoints or changing the system in other ways within this thread, please. Most ideas for 'reforming' the AP system have been beaten to death... (Well, I don't think my idea here is beaten to death, but if it is, I apologize.)

    Darn, shoulda made it a poll. Nah, doesn't matter.
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Read your post with that suggestion in it last night.. and I did remark to negative that it was a brilliant idea...

    my opinion of it hasn't changed.....
    Although there would have to be some good filters on it, so using the case your stated in your previous post, if I gave you neg points for saying F!!k, then you could just reply to the AntiPoints telling me off...
    \"Isn\'t sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick. Rational Thinking.
    But when you\'re good and crazy, hehe, the skies the limit!!\"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ouroboros's Avatar
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    Good Idea

    I like your idea, Terr, but I am wary about the opportunity to reply back and forth generating more animosity and possibly unwarranted flames directed at either of the two people involved. In a perfect world, one would read the AntiPoint comment, reply to correct the misuderstanding, etc, and the AntiPoint giver would say, "Okay". I doubt that would really happen, given the nature of things.

    Just my opinion, but a fundamentally good idea is generally corrupted by the chaos of human thoughts/emotions.
    Which, coincidentally, brings us full circle on the whole issue

    "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"

    "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."

    -Occam's Razor

  4. #4
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
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    I was thinking that the antipoint reciever could only use the 'rebound comment' maybe once or twice (for second-thoughts) for any specific antipoint assignement. I figure if the AP assigner doesn't want to reply, they don't have to, and the asignee never knows who sent the AP to them, so tit-for-tat is averted, since the identity of the AP giver is not disclosed.

    I guess the idea is that the giver still has the option of remaining anonymous, and the reciever can send a quick message back. Again, I think the key is that the assigner's identify can be concealed if they choose. So dedicated (I.E.: Between two specific people who know each other's identities) flaming is not possible without both sides starting it.
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    i like this idea.... the only problem is the thousands of people who refuse to comment when they give/take points. this leaves me with no understanding of why i was gifted/brow beatenmakes me all sorts of confused

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    You know you have my support on this..

    edit: Also it would be nice to have a back button on the bottom of the page..
    \"SI JE PUIS\"

  7. #7
    AntiOnline Senior Member
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    Oct 2001
    Good idea and bad idea. I have mixed feelings on it, but if JP chose to do it you wouldn't hear me complaining about it.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    i really wish we had this reply feature now.... i just got negative points for a post in which the person's comments were a copy and paste of someone else's post. not only that... but it was not something that even disagreed with me. lol. on top of that, it was not the person whose post it was copied from, cause the person (whose post it was copied from) had just given me positive points on the same post.

  9. #9
    AntiOnline Senior Member souleman's Avatar
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    Flint, MI

    good idea

    I think this is a really good idea, if you limit the number of replys. I could just see all of JP's bandwidth and storage being taken up but a few groups of people that just keep going back and forth.

    The one problem that I see, is what good is it going to do. If I give someone negative antipoints and actually do post a comment, what are the chances that I actually care what you say in your reply to my antipoints. Especailly with some of the comments that I have seen.

    It would be a good idea, if people actually used it properly, but I am personally afraid that it will become nothing more for a person to return a flame to an anomonious user that flamed them in the first place.

    BTW: I have never givin any antipoints, and I don't really worry about the points that I have/don't have, so I guess maybe there is more worth to it then I can see.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I like it Terr but as you know Its up to JP, lets just sit back and see what he says.

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