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Thread: *nix Commands: 101 - Part 1 Tha' Basics: Addenum

  1. #1
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Talking *nix Commands: 101 - Part 1 Tha' Basics: Addenum

    Well, lessoned learned. Never do a tutorial when your tired. As per some suggestions, here's an addenum to the first part of *nix commands.

    Yes, *nix is CASE-SENSITIVE. And not just on passwords. On everything. As an experiment, try typing LS and then ls. You will see a difference in the way that the *nix box responds.

    Terr brought up some helpful options but be aware that those are specific to the Linux family of commands rather than all *nix. The --help or -h option are unique to Linux and recently Solaris 8 (they listened!!).

    Remember your man pages. If in doubt, check the man pages for that command for more information.

    *nix to DOS conversion:

    (Editor's Note: I will add the conversions next time with each page)

    *nixDOS Commands



    exitexit (CTRL+D doesn't work in DOS)

    lsdir /w

    ls -ldir


    datedate & time

    who or wN/A*!


    *Note: DOS is a single-user OS with NO security. These commands and a few others do not apply. You will notice that not all commands have an equivalent in DOS. At most, DOS has about 40 or so commands, a lot less than the multitude found in *nix.

    !Note: DOS can be networked with the Microsoft Lan Manager. This does not bring it to the full level of *nix networking but it is somewhat similar. Remember that DOS still remains a single-user OS. At best, DOS can share out files. Some commands, as identified above, have similar commands if DOS has LM installed (it's an add-on product and is "sold" separately if you can find it). These commands are found under the net family of commands in DOS. For example, you can change your password by using net password:

    NET PASSWORD [oldpassword [newpassword]]
    NET PASSWORD \\computer | /DOMAIN:name [user [oldpassword [newpassword]]]
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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  2. #2
    AntiOnline Senior Member souleman's Avatar
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    Alright, now that I got you started, lets really get into.

    Next I wana see the cheet sheat as compared to the Novel commands.

    I also would like to see a comparions of Linux vs BSD vs UNIX vs Solaris vs etc etc.

    Or whatever. You did an excellet job MsMittens.
    Keep it up.

    btw: I wonder how Negative is going to add an addendum to his index?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    It may be more helpful to compare *nix commands to a version of dos that has at least lan manager installed, if not one of the 32-bit systems. Anyway, various applications of the NET command will be used where you have N/A listed.

  4. #4
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    True but few people know or have Lan Manger installed. I will adjust and edit it accordingly then.
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by MsMittens
    True but few people know or have Lan Manger installed. I will adjust and edit it accordingly then.
    While this is true, anyone who is doing networking w/Win9x will be able to make use of the net series of functionality...
    Chris Shepherd
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