Crops which have been Genetically Modified to resist insects kill not just the "target insect" (such as the borer or weevil) but beneficial insects (such as the Monarch butterfly). They also threaten the habitats of other animals, such as birds.
Crops which have been Genetically Modified to resist herbicides encourage the use of larger quantities of herbicide, with the effect that both weeds and beneficial plants are killed indiscriminately. These herbicides are harmful to both the environment and to humans.
Crops which have been Genetically Modified to contain their own insecticide, such as Bt, cause insects to become resistant to the insecticide.
Genetically Modified plants may crossbreed with wild species to produce "superweeds", which cannot be eliminated using standard herbicides.
Genetically Modified plants contaminate conventionally grown and organic plants and honey.
The use of Genetically Modified seed encourages dependence by the farmers on a single seed supplier and may involve the purchase of both the seed and herbicide from one supplier. The farmer is then at the mercy of the seed company who may vary prices of both seed and herbicide at will.
Toxic compounds such as glyphosphate (RoundUp) and Bromoxynil are used on Genetically Modified crops. The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of Bromoxynil despite acknowledging "...serious concerns about developmental risks to infants and children."
The nature of genetic modification and long term effects are not well understood as these products have not been properly tested before being released into the environment. For example, in the USA, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved the use of all currently approved Genetically Modified crops based on data supplied by the manufacturers.
Genetic material inserted into plants can transfer to animals and humans in the intestinal wall

I found the above at this site :

I think that the use of GM food is totally wrong, there should be no place for GM food at all. For the simple reason that we do not know about the long term effects. I for one ALWAYS check on the labels of food I buy to see if there are any GM modified ingredients (though often I wonder if I am eating GM food and just not being told about it).

The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of Bromoxynil despite acknowledging "...serious concerns about developmental risks to infants and children."
GM food is one advance in science we can all do without. The ONLY positive thought I have on GM food is where food is made hardier so that it will grow in more hostile environments - like those in the 3rd world. But like mentioned above, what happens when a new superbug evolves that merrily eats all these GM crops? Antibiotics, insecticides, GM food and the like is not the answer, its polluting the ecosystem and is just stacking up the lists of problems for our future generations.

Your thoughts please!