In recent years, Feed backs have become more and more regular, helping the growth of new code and patches (Funny how this Never seems to happen to M$)
As Mpore And More poeple started to send Feedbacks, a need for Automated sorting was needed, and the only way to sort raw and almost random text, would be to Make it standardized, and Hence, make it Automated....

At first this seems like a Good Idea, But what Do we Know about the information that is sent off, where it is from or if it is even relevant....

XP's new Error Feedback seems like a good idea at firs, but How do we know that It is sending what it is suposed to send...
It might be sending Statistics on your Online time, or most used files. Behavioral Patterns....Who knows...

In a world like this, there is very little that we have Direct controle over....

This really scares me.....