I have written a program in assembly (x86) that does simple XOR encryption (technically you can use it for a onetime pad, but it gets tedious VERY quickly). This was written as an example for one of the assembly tutorials (You might wanna read them if you don't know assembly as I have not left a binary, you can get them in the tutorials forum). I may revise this program to do fileio (which would actually make it useful considering it is pretty useless as anything but an example of how this sort of thing works as of right now), maybe some winsock functionality (a chat or non-MIME email client would be kinda fun), and possibly the ability to generate a large random stream of numbers for use as a onetime pad and burn them to two CDs....This might be my next project....::is a person that never 100% completes projects::

If anyone has any questions about the source feel free to contact me. (it is kinda well commented so it shouldn't be that hard to understand)...