I ran a security Audit on my RH 7 server and it found problems with my /etc/passwd file.

It says the accounts are disabled but still have valid shells. If it was one or 2 I would just fix it but it says that for ALL the accounts listed. I do shadow the paswords to /etc/shadow and from viewing that file it looks normal. All normal users have no problem logging in... Here is an example entry... this is the root entry and I can log in as root and do stuff normally expected of the root account.

# Performing Check of user account .....
#Checking Accounts from /etc/passwd
--WARN-- [acc001w] Login ID root is disabled, but still has a valid shell

Here is the root entry in /etc/passwd:


It also checked the passwd files and the group files and reported no problems....

I ran pwck and it reported no problems with the shadow or the passwd....

Any suggestions as to why Tiger is reporting this?