We know how many post each user made just by looking in their profile or looking at one of their post. How about the ability in the profiles to show how many post where made for each forum...

heres how i see it

in the profile have a link under # of post saying "Posted to"

and when you click it it will pop up a little menu with each of the forums listed with a # next to it showing how many post the user made to each of thoes forums and then another list showing how many threads they started in that forum

Why? - This will show us where we post and where we contribute and maybe show us where we need to help out and work on and where to lay off on for a bit..

its pretty obvious alot of us make threads for general chit that.. this will just show us the #s and maybe nock sense into many of our heads and <joke> also give us another thing to flame each other for </joke>

Thanx , please throw in input