I'm not going to say that I'm against this system or for it. It has both it's advantages and it's disadvantages. But I will say that based on my own observations, this whole AntiPoint system has gotten out of hand, and also has been more trouble than it's worth.

Everyone pretends that they don't care about AP's, but honestly, they do. We all do. We all like to know that people approve of us. Couldn't this be accomplished just as easily with PM's? The only reason that I assign so many positives is because clicking that link is easier than composing a brand new PM. I'm almost jealous of the newbies and others who have so few AP's that their assignments count for nothing. I'd really like to be able to quickly let someone know I approve/dissapprove without causing them to receive public recognition for it. If I dissapprove, that's between me and them. Others don't need to know that "ooh, someone doesn't like this guy's posts. He needs more negs".

Lastly, I don't care about the new system. I'm going to keep on trucking as I've been doing. If I see a post that obviously has a lot of thought put into it (even if it's a post I don't agree with), greenies are assigned. Likewise on the negs.

Just my not-so-humble opinion.
