Those who are Canadian have seen the commercial (maybe US too... but for american products) from Coca~Cola and collecting points of the label to bid on items...

I registered today after obtaining two cards from Kelsey's restaurant and after entering my info and points, I noticed there was no log-out option...

I closed the browser and went back to find myself still "in"...

Usually that isn't a problem, but since I work security (physical) at my college, I spend a good part of my time using their computers and not mine...

There isn't much of an issue to theft of points (credits, whatever....) but if I were to collect xxx number of points, I'd hate to have them wasted by someone bidding on a Britney Spears cd...

The product would be sent to my current mailing address, but what would I do with a Spears cd?

Just thought I'd let others here know about this...

Side Note: Haven't tried it yet, but I think wiping the cookies before another person uses the computer is the only way to "protect my investment"