So..Im surfing around on the newbie section and I have come across two different newbie posts about netbus. I cant remember the exact posts, but the first one was about some kid who had a friend with a cisco 3640 computer. Funny...dont remember cisco ever making computers, and when I searched google, I found that his freind owned a cicsco router that cost about 4000 bucks. Anywho...He used nmap to search the ports and came across two different ports 12345, and 123456netbus. Now the question is..why would a person have two different ports with netbus on them. From what I have read on google and saw on this other post in here, netbus is a client server based system for taking controll of another system when the person runds the exe file. Also something that has to do with a trogan as well. Can anyone clarify for me why it would how a port of 12345, and 123456 with netbus or is that just how the netbus program works?
