Hello All,
This is just a little tutorial, that am going to explain on how to prevent people from finding out information about you, (there are always new/latest tricks, but blocking the main/basic/common ones will hold those 133t attackers, and making it difficult for them.

Here is how it works: you trying to connect to a server, your HTTP request are sent to your proxy server, the proxy first check if one of it’s user has accessed this website lately, if it has, then it has a copy of it on it’s server. Then the proxy server starts the connection only to search if it’s version is not outdated, which allows it to look at the file size.
But if it has the latest version, then it will send the file to you, instead of having the faraway server send it to you, in essence speeding up the connection, and if not so, it will definitely download the requested files by itself and then send them to you.
So, in summary proxies can be use to anonymize yourself while surfing the web. Also proxies handle most or rather all of the HTTP request for you.
Do a search on the web for a good proxy server which runs on the port of your choice, once you get it, then connect to it thru hyperterminal and then connect to another toanother computer, thru the proxy server, using this method the computer on the other side will NOT know your IP address

The word wingate)) wingate is a program used to turn a computer/system running windows or NT into a proxy server.
But, the disadvantage using Wingate is that anyone can just connect to your proxy, by connecting to port 1080 on your system and typing “target-ip-adress” or “hostname port” (without quotes pls), so the wingated system will then relay your input thru it, so it will look like system is connecting to the target computer and not you, so you see!.
But, sysadmin can change the port to a different port #, but yet this is the default.
Instead if you have to use wingate, then use SyGate. SyGate does the same thing as wingate but it wont serve all ppl as wingate will do.
So,In summary wingate can be used to anonymize yourself.

Use an Anonymous Remailer
forwards all incoming mails into your real mailbox, and keeps all information discreet.

This is an internet service that helps you anonymize yourself.
also you can use Alstavista as a proxy, ask it to translate the web pages for you. http://babelfish.altavista.com/cgi-bin/translate?
Also www.deja.com hurry up and sign for a free account, which allows you to post anonymously, which means nothing will be revealed about you, not your IP.

When you are on IRC, its possible to hide your IP,
just type “/mode yournick +x” (without quote pls), this tells the IRC server to hide your IP, so when a /dns is done on you, they wont see your IP address, but only partial part of your IP address will be revealed.
But sincerely if an OP want to see your IP address , he can!!
LoL if you don’t know who are the OP’S, they are those with a @ sign beside their nick.

Do u know what’s FAKING? I guess you do! Then Spoofing is faking.
Faking your IP address, Faking messages.
You can get a snoofer from www.warforge.com
You can snoof your IP address by getting a program like DC IS or Genius. This will let you change part of your computer identity, also allows you to run identity.
Hey, this is just a Basic way out, so just don’t feel relaxed, but atleast you are SAFE
Note: you can never be 100% safe on net, even on AV100

It’s me V-I-R-U-S