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Thread: Riddles #2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Riddles #2

    Ok, A few of these are unsolved riddles so even I dont know the answer.... Try your best, it tooke me a while to even figure out what there trying to ask =)


    Since being humiliated by you in a game of pool
    Saturated Fats has turned away from the seedy,
    dangerous world of pool embrace the safe,
    secure growth industry of chess hustling. He now
    spends 8 hours a day in Central Park playing chess
    with people for money. Unfortunately for you, when you
    catch his eye one sunny summers day and he challenges
    you for a game, he's very good. Spurred on by memories
    of your clean victory in the pool game you agree to
    his challenge and begin setting up the board.

    "Hold up" says Fats "If you're gonna play on my patch,
    you're gonna play on my terms. Here's how you set up
    the board. First off, each piece must be on the board.
    Second, each piece must attack at least one other
    piece and be under attack by at least one other piece.
    However, none of the pieces can directly attack the
    pieces directly attacking them. Also, as per normal
    chess rules, white pieces can only attack black pieces
    and can only be under attack from black pieces and
    black pieces can only attack white pieces and be under
    attack from white pieces. Clear?"

    "What's the point?" you sigh.

    "This" cries Fats, laying down $1000.00 cash on the
    board "is the point. I'm gonna win back my dignity but
    if you can't set the board up right I win by default.
    Unless of course" he chuckles " You can prove it can't
    be done or something." Your better nature is telling
    you to leave but the bet is tempting and there's this
    ivory back scratcher you've had your eye on for a
    while which costs exactly $1000.00 so you decide to
    take the bet. How did you win it?


    If you fear that I am near,
    Here's a wise word in your ear,
    You may look forth and aft for me,
    But to do so simultaneously,
    Ensures you'll just look straight through me,
    Even if I'm right behind thee.

    I am not a friend of man,
    I'll try to kill you if I can,
    I am a lover of the night,
    I eschew threatening natural light,
    But I warn you don't try to cross me,
    I tell you now that that would cost me.

    I need you more than you need me,
    Even though I may murder thee,
    The essence of yourselves I seize
    To prolong my own final demise,
    But even so I may not mind,
    Converting others to my kind.

    What am I?


    You talk to six people, and they each give you five statements. Your job is to figure out which statements are true and which are false.

    Alan says:
    1. David's final statement is true.
    2. Frank told more lies than David.
    3. Bob always tells the truth.
    4. My second statement is false.
    5. Eric told more truths than lies.

    Bob says:
    1. Eric lied at least once.
    2. Alan told more lies than David.
    3. Frank's second statement is true.
    4. I always tell the truth.
    5. Chuck told more lies than truths.

    Chuck says:
    1. Bob told more lies than I did.
    2. Alan told more truths than lies.
    3. Eric always lies.
    4. David's third statement is true.
    5. Frank lied exactly once.

    David says:
    1. Alan lied at least twice.
    2. Eric told more lies than Alan.
    3. Bob told more lies than truths.
    4. Chuck always lies.
    5. Frank's third statement is true.

    Eric says:
    1. Chuck always lies.
    2. My fourth statement is true.
    3. Frank told more lies than Bob.
    4. I tell more truths than lies.
    5. Frank lied exactly twice.

    Frank says:
    1. Alan told more lies than Bob.
    2. Eric's first statement is false.
    3. Alan told more lies than truths.
    4. Bob only lied once.
    5. Eric always lies.

    Given that no two people told the truth the same number of times, which statements were true and which were false?


    Hi guys, I've finally got all my puzzles ready and
    here's the first (and easiest). I hope you like them
    all and to begin here's a sequence for you. It's
    rather easy and straight forward and I hope you'll not
    be too disappointed. All I need are the next five
    terms in the sequence. Have fun!

    2, 9, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 29, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

    Explain your answer.


    As is typical in your line of work as an expert puzzle solver, you find yourself trapped in a room with only one possibility of escape: solving a puzzle.

    You wake up in a room with a single door, which you know is the only way out of the room. On the door are 10 dials, which can be turned so that the digits 0-9 can appear. There is also a small red button.

    Next to the door is a wooden table with a computer. The computer interface only has 10 buttons, one for each digit. The screen has two rows of 10 squares.

    On the wall, you see a note:

    "Since you are reading this, you must be awake. I could have just killed you, but I'm a sporting fellow, so I thought you should be given some chance to escape.

    The room you are in is equipped with exactly two means of killing you. One is some poison gas vents. The other is the floor, which can open, causing you to fall into a pit of alligators, poisonous snakes, and whatever other deadly things my personal zookeeper has brought in.

    When you select a code on the door and press the little red button, the door will open in 10 minutes. However, first one of the two traps will probably go off. Shame I couldn't use both, really, but it wouldn't do to kill off all my lovely pets.

    You may have noticed the computer in the room. This is a special computer that works on a certain rule. You can enter a 10 digit number, and based on the rule, the computer will output a new 10 digit number.

    The door mechanism is related to the computer. For any given 10 digit number, x, and its output, y, if setting the dials on the door to x opens the floor, then setting them to y will cause the poison to flood the room. And, conversly, if x brings poison the room, y will open the floor.

    Good luck, old bean.


    Nefarious Ned"

    You go back to the computer for a second look, and try a few random numbers. When you input 9630751442, you get 1111211101. When you input 6626012798, you get 1120003111. When you input 3578545411, you get 0201230110. When you input 4720309962, you get 2021101102.

    You obviously don't want to try to survive 10 minutes in a poisoned room, or in a pit of deadly animals. But how can you get out?


    Quite a number of people have written in asking for the solution to a puzzle called "Einstein's Challenge". It is a fairly difficult logic puzzle, so I decided to post it for everyone. This puzzle is typically prefaced with a note explaining that it was written by Einstein in the last century (i.e., the 19th century) and that he claimed only 2% of the world's population could solve it. This story is likely apocryphal, and certainly more than 2% of all people could solve it, given enough time. Hopefully this won't detract from your enjoyment of it:


    There are five houses in five different colours.
    In each house lives a person of a different nationality.
    These five owners drink a certain beverage, smoke a certain brand of
    cigarette and keep a certain pet.
    No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of smoke or drink
    the same drink.

    The Brit lives in the red house.
    The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
    The Dane drinks tea.
    The green house is on the left of the white house.
    The green house owner drinks coffee.
    The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
    The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
    The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk.
    The Norwegian lives in the first house.
    The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
    The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
    The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
    The German smokes Prince.
    The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
    The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.
    The question is: WHO OWNS FISH?

    And for extra points:

    Could the claim that Albert Einstein authored this puzzle last century be true?


    Have fun, I dont think Ill be posting any mroe of these puzzles as not to spam the boards =)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Oh man my head hurts! This is too much for a morning activity....I'll try back later.

  3. #3
    I'm also going to try later.. Too early for me. Wait for me to get my coffee and everything..

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    These could be fun, thanks.

  5. #5
    AO Soccer Mom debwalin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    If you fear that I am near,
    Here's a wise word in your ear,
    You may look forth and aft for me,
    But to do so simultaneously,
    Ensures you'll just look straight through me,
    Even if I'm right behind thee.

    I am not a friend of man,
    I'll try to kill you if I can,
    I am a lover of the night,
    I eschew threatening natural light,
    But I warn you don't try to cross me,
    I tell you now that that would cost me.

    I need you more than you need me,
    Even though I may murder thee,
    The essence of yourselves I seize
    To prolong my own final demise,
    But even so I may not mind,
    Converting others to my kind.

    What am I? A vampire

    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

  6. #6
    For the Einstein Challenge:

    House 1: Yellow, Norwegian, smokes Dunhill, drinks Water, raises Cats

    House 2: Blue, Danish, smokes Blend, drinks Tea, raises Horses

    House 3: Red, Brit, smokes Pall Mall, drinks Milk, raises Birds

    House 4: Green, German, smokes Prince, drinks Coffee, raises Fish

    House 5: White, Swedish, smokes Blue Master, drinks Beer, raises Dogs
    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn\'t die in vain. He died in Washington D.C.

  7. #7
    To the "Nefarious Ned"

    I don't remember the math to it, all I remember is the solution, as I have seen similar problems, but without the setup.


    You have to have a number that returns itself, and the result of the number you put in is a tally of the number of times the digits appear in the number. So if you put in 6210001000, there are 6 zeros, 2 ones, 0 threes, 0 fours, 0 fives, 1 six, 0 sevens, 0 eights, and 0 nines. So the computer will return the same number -- 6210001000.

    If I can remember how I did the math, I'll post it.
    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn\'t die in vain. He died in Washington D.C.

  8. #8
    Webius Designerous Indiginous
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Florida
    As for the chess board. It is impossible to win the game. Once it comes down to two pieces, they can't attack each other and hence no winner. Not to mention that if you set the board up in the traditional manner, you will never be able to make the first move, because you won't be attacking any single piece.

  9. #9
    I think the trick is to set up the board so that your opponent is already in checkmate, and no matter what move he makes, you win. But I don't have a chess board in front of me, so I can't figure it out right now.
    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn\'t die in vain. He died in Washington D.C.

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