Hey i found a list of proxy servers that are free to use and i was jsut wondering....

When i configure my browser to use a proxy should it mask my real ip immediately.

What i mean is, i will go under the setting and put in the ip and port number of the proxy server and then i will go to google and find a page that tells me my ip. No matter if i use the proxy or not it still gives me my real ip address.

Even when i try winipcfg it tells me my real ip address. Does this mean that i am doing something wrong. I guess that is a dumb question...

Im sorry i messed that up, i got the proxy to work err sort of.

When i use a proxy i can online a search for my own ip using google and it will return the proxy ip address but when i do winipcfg i get my real ip address.

Why is this? It seems that irc also still notices my real ip address. I have seen text on different ways to mask your ip address on irc but why wont a proxy server do the job?

Thanks to anyone who replies