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Thread: What is a hacker....?

  1. #11
    hackers used to be ppl that could hack computer code up and fix programs and computers. it was a good thing to be called a hacker. now-a-days it means different things to different ppl.

  2. #12
    I think this is a long time debate since the excistance of computer. For me hackers doesnt classify those three black/gray/white hackers is a person WITH greater knowledge on the computer hackers thinks as a computer they set their mind as a computer that's why people are more intelligent than the computer.Hackers developed script in order for the computer to function. ive read this quote in other hacker site " Hackers are the BACKBONE of computer"......

    This only my opinion!!!!!!!!!!!But what great is your own opinion you stand for it and thinks if it good

  3. #13
    AntiOnline Senior Member souleman's Avatar
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    As Ennis pointed out, this has been discussed before. But, I guess I will make a few points. You may not agree with me, but oh well....

    A hacker is a person that follows a certain way of thinking. Its all about finding ways to solve problems. You use the resources at hand and modify them if necessary to accomplish a certain task. A network admin watches what happens on his network and fixes problems. A network admin that is a hacker will use tools that most people wouldn't think of to monitor that network, and if he wants to do something specific and there isn't a tool for it, he will write one. Using a coat hanger to fix your muffler would also be a hack. An ER surgeon that has to do something never done before to save a person's life would also be a hacker.

    Hats have nothing to do with it. Hacking is a state of mind. It doesn't matter if you are doing good things or bad, its the fact that you are doing something.

    allenb explains one form of hacker. Its about the knowledge and ability. To develop those tools that you are talking about, it takes a specific thought process and you have to take into account everything that is TCP/IP, connection type (ethernet or wireless), operating system, programs on the system, etc etc.

    retoor and smirc have the best definations. allen was correct about 1 type of hacker, but they have the entire scope of hacking down.
    \"Ignorance is bliss....
    but only for your enemy\"
    -- souleman

  4. #14
    Hugo Cornwall's book "The Hacker's Handbook" has a good definition of a Hacker:

    "Computer enthusiast who attempts unauthorized entry into computers and explores it's contents." (not exact quote)

    Sorry allen, but I have to disagree. In my mind hackers are defined as:

    People who learn! People who's whole life revolvs around the search for ultimate wisdom! Hacking doesn't necesaraly have to do with computers!
    I've always seen hacking as the never ending quest for knowledge. How you apply that knowledge is up to you.
    I don't agree with Mahakaal nor smirc. Hacker must be a term related to computers (which involves the problem solving skills that come with it, such as overcoming obstacles with maths and code, etc).

    The word Hacker has always been associated with computers and I personally don't think it should cross over to other fields. Don't you find it strange to say "Mr. Smith is a Astronomy hacker/Botanics hacker/Chef hacker..." Sounds strange.

    Hats have nothing to do with it. Hacking is a state of mind. It doesn't matter if you are doing good things or bad, its the fact that you are doing something.
    Hacking is not a state of mind, that's ethics. Doing something doesn't make you a Hacker, the whole purpose and obtaining the title of Hacker is if you are able to "hack a computer". Even script kiddies are Hackers (they gain unauthorized access to other people's computers).

    Hey Everybody,
    I think that the old "Hacker Ethic" is pretty much lost. I think that some hckers are in it for the bucks. Cloaking their identities to be able to send spam emails, gain information on companies and people and use this for their own benefit. Mabey I am pessimistic regarding this issue but my experiences with hackers has never been pleasent. It is my hope that there are still some hungry only for the quest for knowledge but I think it is rare on a larger scale. What do yall think.
    I don't think the old Hacker Ethic is lost. Every computer enthusiast that has attempted and has been successful in making unauthorized access into a computer (whether PC, school, etc) is already a Hacker. The only difference is the ethics of the Hacker that makes for divisions on so called "good" and "bad".

    The "good" Hacker doesn't abuse his skills for personal gain in relation to money/revenge/showing off objectives. The "bad" Hacker is the complete opposite.

    Ennis has wrote a good piece of FAQ on the divisions/types/categories of Hackers The Ultimate Newbie FAQ!

    N.B. I'm not an expert on computers nor a Hacker. Don't flame me!

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    People just assume that when ever that they hear the name hacker, it means that who ever that is doing it is bad. There are good hackers, those that use hacking for goods and helping other people. So when we ask the question, " What is a hacker?" This is my definition, hackers are pople that have to power to go into systems and explore it as much as they can. The bad part is that most hackers do not have permission to enter peoples computers, which infact, makes them hackers.

  6. #16
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    well friend's i think a hacker is someone who operates or deals a system in a different way .they are generally laborious persons who care for their work and as retoor said they may in different fields.

  7. #17
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    The bad part is that most hackers do not have permission to enter peoples computers, which infact, makes them hackers.
    I actually have to contest this statement(no offense ebo).Most "hackers" do have permission to enter people's computers.The vast majority of people who illegally enter other people's computers aren't smart enough to deserve the title of hacker,as they use tools made by people who designed them for legitimate purposes,or prey on people who know nothing about security through trojans and such.
    Given the origin of hackers being people who were trying to connect all computers so everyone could share knowledge,I'd say that those who used canned tools and prey on those ignorant of computer security are counter productive to this cause,therefore making them nothing better than a common vandal/thief.I understand that very few people are able to make their own diagnostic tools/port scanners and such when they first start out,but it's really not that hard to learn.And that learning process should be done on your own computer or that of another person who is willing to give you permission,not on someone who doesn't have the knowledge to defend themselves.IMHO that would be like training an amatuer boxer on little old ladies so they don't get hurt.
    [shadow]I don\'t believe in anarchy.If you\'re not smart enough to beat the system it\'s your problem. [/shadow]

  8. #18
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    Hacker is an honour badge for people who have "real" Programming and Computer skills that are exceptional,
    their problem solvers who can dive into something that stumps all the wizards and find a solution or another
    way that hasn't been looked at. The title Hacker is an earned one because you only get it from other Hackers
    when you have proven your worthiness by releasing quality code to the community, you work to better the
    computing world and solve problems/help others and you earn respect by not being a jackass or a jerk by
    attacking others with dos attacks, smurfing, starting flame wars, using your skills for serious evil that hurts
    others, break the hacker ethic

  9. #19
    black_death.. nice words and all, but instead of making us think that they were your
    own words, you could of simply quoted the source instead of the copy paste job.

  10. #20
    Junior Member
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    In my opinion Someone who is knowledgable, but not destructive. just constructive.

    That's a hacker.
    Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi. I\'m X-Ray cat. I\'ve got super powers. I can see through wooden doors with my x-ray vision, wooden doors.[pong]Hieter976[/pong]

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