Much has been written about fingerprinting OSs but its not that easy to find information on how to disguise you server and make it appear as something else. A simple GET /http1.1 yields mucho info.

Every knows there are a ton of ways to fingerprint OSs on the internet, like banner grabbing, stack comparison etc.

If everyone who edits their machine for this purpose or knows of ways to alter their machine to hide or mask their OS,s id would list one (or more) ways to do this, we’d probably all learn a great deal. I know I will.

I’ll compile a list of tips and post them at the end of this thread as a download, after any activity dies down. They’ll be listed according to OS type with credit given (who posted it) for each hint/tip. If there are enough of them maybe we can have it put into the news letter


Edit the html error files in C:\WINNT\Help\iisHelp\common. Remove all the help statements and references to the OS.