Ok people. I need to enlist your expertise. I have installed SSH on RH, and I was able to connect to the box yesterday via an SSH2 client from my Win2k box. However, today, I moved the Linux box into a different VLAN (same as my Windows box), and I am unable to get to it. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I changed IP addresses, but I cannot figure out how to get it working again. This is what I have tried so far:

I tried restarting ssh by typing ssh start/restart.
I also went into the /etc/ssh2 folder and changed the listening address from to the box's correct address in the sshd2_config file. After this, I even tried restarting the service again. It will not show up when I do a netstat -an.
The error I get when trying to restart the service is Connecting to restart failed: No address associated to the name. Maybe I am trying to restart the service wrong. Or maybe I configured the wrong file or put the wrong address in...help please.
