I think this site is great! I've been visiting here for sometime now and figured "Might as well get off my lazy arse and join the community" I know most of you hate MS but that's my area of expertize.

I've fixed computers since I was 14, getting my first pc work job when I was 17. Four years later I got my first Network Administration job and here I am now doing the same. I got my NT MCSE a few years ago. I've dabbled in qbasic and visual basic, coding cheesy games like a Tron style bike game and whatnot. Recently I've turned my attention to Linux hoping to pick up as much knowledge as possible on the subject, but I'm still quite the newbie in that area. I hope to be able to contribute to AO and I'm sure I'll learn a lot in the process.

Thank you for taking the time to read my babblings...