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Thread: XE Converter Hack

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    XE Converter Hack


    This is a continuation of my articles on the TCPUtil code. The origional control was designed to simplify socket communications from within a scripting environment. This time round I decided to simplify the code further by re-writing the ActiveX control that handles the socket connections to also handle connection timeouts. In a scripting context this is the most difficult aspect of socket programming, because one has to include complex tests in a script to handle the timeouts appropriately. I also wanted to obvaite the need for relying on events (which the previous version did) because this made the code unnececarily complex.

    As an example of the new ActiveX control I am going to show you how simple it is to retrieve real-time currency conversion information from the XE Converter programmatically using the control.

    Previous articles in this series:

    Scripting Internet Connections Under Window$
    Search Engine submission 'exploit'
    Google 'exploit' - TCPUtil pt III
    Cloaked Exploit Scanner Part I and Part II

    Instantiation of the control

    First compile and register the ntsa.ocx control (source is included in the zip file at the end of this tutorial). If you don't have a copy of VB6 to compile the control you can use the pre-compiled version that is also included in the zip file.

    When you have compiled the control (or if you are just using the one included in the zip) you will need to register the control with regsvr32 (ie regsvr32 c:\path\ntsa.ocx where c:\path is the full path to the ocx file.)

    Now the control is registered you can include it in you scripts like this:
    'Load an instance of the control
    Set tcputil =WScript.CreateObject("ntsa.tcputil")
    Using the TCPUtil ActiveX

    Once you have an instance of the control in your script you can use the following methods to connect and send data to the server. All timouts are handled from within the control, returning control to the calling application when appropriate. Because of this the control is ideal for performing IP operations from within a scripting environment where the main battle is ensuring that your script does not terminate prematurely.

    ' Set connection time out (in milliseconds)
    tcputil.ConnectionTimeout = 2000
    ' Set time out for inactivity (in milliseconds)
    tcputil.GetDataTimeout = 1000
    'Set the server that we wish to connect to
    tcputil.RemoteHost = ""
    'Set the port we are going to connect on
    tcputil.RemotePort = 80
    'Attempt a connection
    If tcputil.IPConnect Then
    'Connected sucsessfully
    'Loop while connected 
    'This is so you can test a connection
    'in a stated environment (ie pop3/smtp/etc)
    Do While tcputil.Connected
    'Fill the read buffer with the results
    'of the PostStr query
    tcputil.GetBuffer CStr("GET / HTTP/1.1" & VBCRLF & "" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf)
    'Read the contents of the buffer
    HTML = tcputil.ReadBuffer
    'Empty the buffer
    '(You need to do this before issuing 
    'further commands in a stated service)
    'Close the Socket
    '(But you could send more if the service
    'you are connecting to is stated)
    'Loop until the socket is closed
    end if
    The XE Converter example script

    This script is designed for use in the Windows script host. I have also included this vbs file in the zip file at the end of this tutorial. Usage is as follows:
    Usage: xtcputil
    [--Amount|-a] Amount to convert
    [--From|-f] convert from currency
    [--To|-t] Convert to currency
    Dim PostStr, Pst 
    Dim HTML
    Dim Amount, cFrom, cTo
    WScript.Echo "-- XE Converter Hack."
    WScript.Echo "-- by NTSA 2002"
    WScript.Echo "--"
    WScript.Echo ""
    'Load an instance of the control
    Set tcputil =WScript.CreateObject("ntsa.tcputil")
    'Check for errors
    if err.number > 0 then 
    	WScript.Echo "Could not create an instance of the TCPUtil control."
    	WScript.Echo "You need to register ntsa.ocx using the regsvr32"
    	WScript.Echo "command. (ie regsvr32 c:\path\ntsa.ocx where c:\path"
    	WScript.Echo "is the full path to the ocx file.)",flgEcho
    end if
    'Get user input from the command line
    Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
    ArgNum = 0
    While ArgNum < oArgs.Count
    	Select Case RemoveDel(LCase(oArgs(ArgNum)))
    		Case "amount","a":
    			ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    			amount = oArgs(ArgNum)
    		Case "from","f":
    			ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    			cFrom = oArgs(ArgNum)
    		Case "to","t":
    			ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    			cTo = oArgs(ArgNum)
    		Case "help","?":
    	End Select	
    	ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    'Check that we have all the required parameters
    if isempty(Amount) or isempty(cFrom) or isempty(cTo) then
    	'Else quit
    	wscript.echo "Missing parameter"
    end if
    'Output the conversion using the convert function
    wscript.echo amount & " " & ucase(cfrom) & " = " & convert & " " & ucase(cto)
    function Convert
      'PST is the data we are actually posting
      Pst = "Amount=" & Amount & "&From=" & UCase(cFrom) & "&To=" & UCase(cTo)
      'Build the string that we are going to send
      PostStr = ""
      PostStr = PostStr & "POST /ucc/convert.cgi HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "Accept-Language: en-gb" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "Host:" & vbCrLf
      'Set the content length according to the length of PST 
      PostStr = PostStr & "Content-Length: " & CStr(Len(Pst)) & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "Cache-Control: no-cache" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & "" & vbCrLf
      PostStr = PostStr & Pst & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
      ' Set connection time out (in milliseconds)
      tcputil.ConnectionTimeout = 2000
      ' Set time out for inactivity (in milliseconds)
      tcputil.GetDataTimeout = 1000
      'Set the server that we wish to connect to
      tcputil.RemoteHost = ""
      'Set the port we are going to connect on
      tcputil.RemotePort = 80
      'Attempt a connection
      If tcputil.IPConnect Then
    	'Connected sucsessfully
    	'Loop while connected 
    	'This is so you can test a connection
    	'in a stated environment (ie pop3/smtp/etc)
        Do While tcputil.Connected
    	  'Fill the read buffer with the results
    	  'of the PostStr query
          tcputil.GetBuffer CStr(PostStr)
    	  'Read the contents of the buffer
          HTML = tcputil.ReadBuffer
    	  'Empty the buffer
    	  '(You need to do this before issuing 
    	  'further commands in a stated service)
    	  'Close the Socket
    	'Loop until the socket is closed
    	'This is where it gets dirty -
    	'We want to cut a certain section
    	'out of the returned html with
    	'split commands.
        Dim flds
        If Len(HTML) > 0 Then
          flds = Split(HTML, "<!XERC-UCC2-P1.4-R1>")
          HTML = LCase(flds(1))
          flds = Split(HTML, "</tr")
          HTML = flds(0)
          flds = Split(HTML, "<td")
          HTML = flds(6)
          flds = Split(HTML, "")
          HTML = flds(1)
          flds = Split(HTML, "")
          HTML = flds(0)
          HTML = Left(Trim(HTML), Len(HTML) - 4)
          convert =  HTML
          wscript.echo "An error occured."
          wscript.echo "CConvert", "No data returned"
        End If
        wscript.echo "An error occured."
        wscript.echo "CConvert", "Could not connect"
      End If
     end function
      Sub DisplayUsage
    	WScript.Echo "Usage: xtcputil"
    	WScript.Echo "        [--Amount|-a] Amount to convert"
    	WScript.Echo "        [--From|-f] convert from currency"
    	WScript.Echo "        [--To|-t] Convert to currency"
    	WScript.Echo "        [--Help|/?]>"
    	WScript.Echo ""
    	WScript.Quit (1)	
    End Sub
    function RemoveDel(str)
    	RemoveDel = replace(str,"/","")
    	RemoveDel = replace(RemoveDel,"-","")
    	RemoveDel = replace(RemoveDel,"--","")
    end function
    function IsEmpty(str)
    	if str & "" = "" then 
    		isempty = true
    		isempty = false
    	end if
    end function
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  2. #2
    I just visited your web site, I am impressed with your research over Iraq and the work of your web site. Very good site to visit every day.

  3. #3
    Nice site nsta!!
    got to read some of your tuts!
    yes all religions do lead to god.

  4. #4
    Senior Member tampabay420's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey, didn't have the time to read TCPUtil code...
    What does it do? I assume you still use winsock as main control?

    Does it simplify coding, or what?
    I'll read the code , after work, when i have time...

    Look interesting though :-)
    yeah, I\'m gonna need that by friday...

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