When trying to teaching myself c++, I found the toughest thing to find information on, was the simple task of writing to a file. Just about every ‘beginning tutorial” on the subject seems to pass right over this subject.

Athough it may have been covered in another tut here, the site was down and I was bored so I couldn’t check and needed something to do. But I think it deserves a little space of its own anyway.

To output to a file its necessary to use fstream.h in addition to iostream.h, all the stream definitions are defined in fstream.h, as the name implies:

#include < iostream.h>
#include < fstream.h>

To write to a file we must first open a file stream:
// declare an output stream
ofstream out1;

this declares ‘out1’ to be of type ofstream or Output FileStream.

// specify an output location
out1.open("c:\\results.txt", ios::ate);

this uses out1 to open a filestream to results.txt. (which must already exist)

I’d like to point a couple of thing out here.

The character ‘\’ is always used as an escape character so in order to write the path for a file in you must use ‘\\’. Otherwise the compiler will just see the escape character and assume the next character is the type of escape. So if you wrote the string in “c:\taxstuff” the compiler would see ‘c: <tab> axstuff.

Id also like to point out ‘ios::ate’. This states the manner in which you would like to open the file. That is create, open and clear, append, etc. heres a list:

ios::in Open for reading.
ios::out Open for writing.
ios::ate Position to the end-of-file.
ios::app Open the file in append mode.
ios::trunc Truncate the file on open.
ios::nocreate Do not attempt to create the file if it
does not exist.
ios::noreplace Cause the open to fail if the file exists.
ios::translate Convert CR/LF to newline on input and
vice versa on output.

These can be combined with the bit-or character ‘|’ like this:

ios::in | ios::nocreate
open if file if it exists do not create one

ios::out | ios::noreplace open new file for output, fail if file exists

ios::out | ios::ate
re/open an existing output file, append any new data after any existing data

ios::out | ios::noreplace
open new file, fail if it already exists

ios::out | ios::nocreate | ios::trunc
open an existing file for output, fail if file doesn't exist, throw
away existing contents and create a new file.


So in the example below, you might want to change the ‘ios::ate’ to ‘ios::out | ios::ate’ if the output file does not exist, which should not be true for the hosts file. But will be true with ‘results.txt’. So when you post “Hey you code dosn’t work!” I can say RTFM j/k


Ive included in this example a way to take input as arguments from the command line as defined in iostream.h:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

the integer argc holds the number of arguments entered at the command line. The name of the program is counted amoung the arguments

the character array argv[] holds the actual arguments as strings (more or less), the name of the program would be argv[0] therefore we’ve used argv[1] to work with the name of the site given on the command line.



/* A small program to illustrate writeing to a file.
This can append to your host file if you change the path to
point to it

usage hostc [site.name] If you forget to enter a site as an arg
the program will prompt you for it*/

#include < iostream.h>
#include < fstream.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc == 1)

/* if no arguments are given, ask for input */

cout <<endl<<endl;
cout<< "Command Line Format: hostc <sitemane>" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "Enter a Site to be blocked : ";
char site[50]; //50 should handle all site names
cin >> site;
ofstream out1;
//out1.open("c:\\windows\\hosts.sam", ios::ate);
//out1.open("c:\\winnt\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts", ios::ate);
out1.open("c:\\results.txt", ios::ate);
out1 << "\t" << site << endl;
cout <<endl<<endl<< site << " Has Been Blocked"<<endl<<endl;
cout << "by TedOb1"<<endl;
return 0; //exit program

//if command line arguments are present, continue here

// declare an output stream
ofstream out1;

// specify an output location
out1.open("c:\\results.txt", ios::ate);
//out1.open("c:\\windows\\hosts.sam", ios::ate);
//out1.open("c:\\winnt\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts", ios::ate);

// print to it
out1 << "\t" << argv[1]<< endl;

//finished, close the file.
cout <<endl<<endl<< argv[1] << " Has Been Blocked"<<endl<<endl;
cout << "by TedOb1"<<endl;
return 0;