Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

- Universal declaration of human rights

Now one may say, on a private chat server, the owner has the RIGHT to govern its usage via the enforcement of preset rules. In my opinion, such action is merely an ABILITY and not a RIGHT. No human has the RIGHT to encroach on another's birth given human rights, whether they run the country or own the chat server. Should such action occur due to the ability and power being present to do so, a violation of human rights has occured thus creating an atmosphere of AUTHORITY over FREEDOM. Should I decide that I wish to use CAPSLOCK in a chat room, that is my method of sharing information and ideas through the media of my CHOICE. If the *rule* forbids CAPSLOCK then you may very well ban me but the principals regarding FREEDOM remain. This notion of "RESPECTING" fellow chatters is garbage, how does altering the mannor in which I choose to express myself due to popular opinion equate to respecting them. It equates to conceiding to consensus and that is a very dangerous notion. Respecting my fellow chatter would involve accepting what they say as their free opinion or accepting the mannor in which they choose to express it.

the end.