I just came across this site, Anti-Leech. They offer some sort of a thing, apparently java script -based, that detects if the user is using an ad-blocker or a pop-up blocker. If yes, the page refuses to load at all and gives you this message instead:

We have determined that you use ad blocking software. This site is provided for free and depend on an income from these ads. By blocking them, you make it impossible for us to continue keeping this website online for free. Therefore, you will not be able to access this website again until you uninstall or de-activate your ad blocking software.
So I thought I'd
1) ask your opinions on this
2) point the ones who might consider this as a good thing to the site
3) set this as a challenge for you: build a Proxomitron script that bypasses Anti-Leech.

I personally didn't have too much time to investigate the script (it's New Year's Eve, after all) but I will do it some time next year.

Anti-Leech.com also seems to offer a download link protector, html-code protector, image protector and an e-mail link protector (against spam-bots).

Edit/Add: [glowpurple]Happy New Year![/glowpurple]