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Thread: New Ezine- please read

  1. #1

    New Ezine- please read

    this is our idea...

    It's time for a free, popular, encompassing, ezine where hackers, phreaks, and other innovators of the digital age can submit quality articles and receive attention for their tutorials, articles and research. Incubyte ezine is coming out with a second issue.

    We have strong indications that this issue will be widely distributed- visit for more info.

    hope to hear from some of you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    OK, that's nice, but...

    What's your message? Are you soliciting on this board or are you asking for writers?

    Also, are the articles similar to those in 2600, outlining ways to commit computer crimes? Or are they ways to defend against and detect such acts?

    The reason I ask is because you included phreaking, which usually points to only bad acts, and hacking isn't a popular word here.... (more like security admin)

    Please take the time to better explain your purpose of this tread...

    While the users of this site have great computer skills, they've still haven't mastered the powers of mind reading

    *Add: Your zine (vol.1) contains the "Hacker Manifesto" by Mentor, which is not something we'd enjoy reading here. Your mag would be better enjoyed by the kiddies at HDC

    So... are you claiming to be a "white hat hacker"?

  3. #3
    i guess you could call us realist whitehats. We're soliciting for writers and looking out to see if anyone wants to join the mailing list. Articles will probably be along 2600 lines, except we'd rather not deal with any of the "how to hack wal-mart" type of articles. we want to see innovative articles that cover a broad range, defense, attack methodology, everything. we believe this is how progress is made in computer security.

    as far as the manifesto is concerned, we included it because it is an interesting relic. the next issue will be more professional.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It sounds that your intensions are in the right place.

    Check out the AO newsletters for past articles written by members, as well as the tutorial forum. (lotsa goodies there)

    If you find something you like, pm the author for autorization and tada.

    Also, if you find several articles you find interesting by a certain author, pm him and see if he wants to write an article for your ezine about a certain subject....

  5. #5
    thanks for the tips, i just checked out the AO newsletter and im pretty impressed. ive been looking for a good board to post on for a while now, i think im going to anchor here. keep up the good work.

    ok there's a ton of interesting tuts being wirtten. would it be wrong/obnoxious to write a request for writers into one of the tutorial forums?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The tutorial forum is more reserved for actual tutorials (since each tread started counts as a tutorial)

    Write it in the general chit-chat or miscelaneous security discussion forum.

    Also, you can include a request in your signature

  7. #7
    alright then i guess ill leave it here and maybe bump it occasionally and add it as a signature.

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