Most people don't know what Dos is with all of Windows GUI apps on its OS. And don't know how to use it until they are forced to do so. First off, Dos doesn't mean (Denial of Service) if that what U were hoping for in this text then I'm sorry and that's really lame. It stands for Disk Operating System. It was use before windows was invented. Ok, now lets explore the power of Dos but lets review a few commads.


md - makes a folder
copy - take a guess!
rd - deletes a folder
cd - changes directories
dir - displays directories and files(also try using with the /p or /w switch)
del - deletes files
< or > - redirection of a command or text
| - pipes one command into another command (ex: dir | more)
ren - renames a file or folder
type - shows the contents of a file


Now the CLI (command-line interface) is kewl to learn if your thinking of coming to Linux and its good practice for a noobie. Now lets explore the often forgotten wonders of Dos's cli to start it up go to Start > then click on Command Prompt or Start > Run > now type without the quotes of course "cmd.exe". You should now have a black box on your screen this is where we will be working from. If U don't know where is the start button on your taskbar study your OS more:-C If your still with me tyype "ver" it tells U what verison of Dos your running mine says: [5.1.2600] 8-] yes 2600 kewl ! Now lets have some phun type "md phun" U now should have a folder on your desktop or harddrive called phun. Then type "rd phun" now its gone. Type cd .. to go to the previous directory or cd directory name (ex: cd windows). What's a pipe U say¿ Let's see try dir | more wow it displays it one page at a time now try dir by itself. It scroll the screen to fast for eyes huh! Type "powerusers rule! > dos.txt now type " type "dos.txt" it displays the contents of the newly created file dos.txt. Now type "wonders of the command-line >> dos.txt" then type "type dos.txt" look at what your file now contains Qewl huh! Now type "the GUI is not as fast as the CLI > dos.txt " and then type "type dos.txt" it now overwritten your newly created file with what U last type. Let's explore some more commands now type "ren c:/dos.txt c:/lame.txt it just rename dos.txt to lame.txt . Noobie's I know your thinking what else can it do type "ping > whateveruwant.txt" it stores the info from this command to a file called U guessed it "whateveruwant.txt" To del the files just type "del whateveruwant.txt or whatever U what to delete.
I know most newbies are familiar with notepad but while at the command prompt type "edit or edit.exe" its another text editor like notepad of type notepad.exe or whatever.exe and it will automatically start up whatever *.exe program type . That it for know I hope this exploration of the Dos was kewl and help out fellow noobie's using Windows learn their OS. Cause I had phun writing this text.

#!/usr/bin/env python