Hi people; i've been doing some soket programming; yet i got stuck; i was wondering if anybody could help me.
I can conect to hosts with the connetc( ) ; and recv() from them; yet; when i send() sth; the server does not respond to me.
I am trying to log into a POP server; i connect to it and recive the welcome page; yet when i send user Myuser; i get no response.
I think i'm missing the EOL; which would it be is '\n' fine?
myu script after recieveing the welcome screem go sotheing like:
send(sockfd, "user myuser'\n'" (in fact i use a cahr array here but it's the same), arraylength, 0);
is the EOL wrong; because i believe that my command is not being intepreted by the server.
Well I hope someone can help me...