Hey everyone,

If you wanna search better on google try some of the things I talk about one this tut . Everything here is going to be about this site www.google.com. Well here goes nothing.

Some of googles myths:

1) Google's index is a snapshot of all that there is online.
No, not even google knows everything that is on the web. Every sec there is a new web site up, so it is impossible for google to keep up with the populion of the Internet.

2) Everything on the web is credible.
No it is not, There are things on the Internet that are just plan wrong.

3)Googles content filtering will protect you from offensive material.
HA, Even tho googles filtering is good, it's not perfect.

Generally speaking there is two types of search engines on the Internet. The first one is called the searchable subject index. Which is a kind of search engine that only searches titles and descriptions of sites and it doesn't search individual pages. Yahoo is a searchable subject index. Then there are full-text search engines which are computerized "spiders" which contain around millions and billions of pages. These pages can be searched by title or content, allowing for much more searches then searchable subject index. Google is a full-text search engine, that is why google is the best search engine in the world.

Whenever you search for more then one keyword at a time (e.x john brown AND bob heart) the search engine has a default method of how it handles the keyword. Will the search go of both keywords or for either keyword? The answer is called a Boolean default, the search engine can default to Boolean AND (it will search for both keywords) or Boolean, OR (It will search for either keyword). Of course even if a search engine defaults to searching for both keywords (e.x AND) you can give a command to intrust it to search for either keyword (e.x OR). A search engine has to know what to do if you don't give instructions.

Basic Boolean and or Commands

Google's Boolean default is AND that means if you enter a query word without modifiers, google will search for all of all of them (e.x snowblower Honda "Green Bay").

Google will search for all for the word, if you want to specify that either word is acceptable, you put an OR between each of the words (e.x Snowblower OR snowmobile OR Green Bay).

If you want to definitely have one term and have one of two or more other terms, Group them in parentheses e.x Snowblower (snowmobile OR "Green Bay")

Or try:
snowblower (snowmobile | "Green Bay")
snowblower snowmobile -"Green Bay"

There are a couple of other considerations you will need to keep in mind when searching google. The first thing is that google does not accept more then 10 query word, If you where to try to use more then 10 words they'll be summarily ignored. Second Google does not support stemming, the ability to use asterisk (or other wildcards) in the query term (e.x Three * mice) you would have to search as three blind mice, Three blue mice, and things to that matter.

Some search engines are "case sensitive" that means if you search like this FIREWORKS it will not find fireworks. Google is not case sensitive if you search like this FIREWORKS, Fireworks, fireworks it will come up as the samething.

Search Better

To narrow your search results you are better off using commands, Therefore making it easier on your part.
How do I use them??
Easy on the main page of google you will see a search box, After finding what you want (intitle, inurl, etc) write as followed; intitle:whatever or inurl:Fireworks,etc, etc. Here are the commands you can use:

intitle: (restricts your search to the titles of web sites) or allintitle:
inurl: (Restricts your search to just the URLs of web sites) or allinurl:
intext: (Searches just in the body. e.x URLs, link text, and so on) or allintext:inanchor: (searches for text in the pages links anchors)
site: (allows you to narrow your search by a site or a top-level domain)
link: (returns a list of pages linking to a specified URL)
cache: (Finds a copy of the page that google indexed even if that page is no longer available)
daterange: (Limits your search to a particular date or range of dates that when the page was indexed)
filetype: (This searches the suffixes or filename extensions)
related: (Finds pages that are related to the specified page)
info: (Provides a page of links to more information about that URL)
phonebook: (Looks up phone numbers)

Googles Advanced Search goes well beyond the capabilities of the default simple search, providing with a much more powerful search. Using the Advance search makes it easy to find what u are looking for but takes more time to fill-in the blank.

The End
Thankyou very much for Antionline and the users reading what I have to say, hopefully your searching goes better after reading this . Have a great day.....

Cya --D00dZ AttaCkiN--