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Thread: The Challenge A Programmer Faces

  1. #1

    The Challenge A Programmer Faces

    The Challenge A Programmer Faces
    Author: er0k
    Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 21:34:07 -0500

    In today's world, new languages (programming) are being developed constantly. You now have very powerful languages such as C++ or Java that can do virtually anything under the right circumstances, ie system configuration. But then again you have small but useful languages such as Tcl/TK that are purposeful in almost any environment, and come in handy, but don't pack near as much of a punch as C.

    A language is roughly a set of rules for communication with something or someone else. Take sign language for example, communication is done totally differently than what one would usually encounter, that of by the hands. But on the other hand you have a language such as vast as English (US or UK version) in which communication can be done very easily by paper, by mouth, by any form of writing whatsoever.

    Does a computer have hands? Does a computer have a mouth? Well we wish it did but sadly it doesn't. A programmer has to be able to understand how to communicate with a computer's core features in order to write good programs, normally that require low-level revision and/or citation of a sort. Some of you know the difficulty of learning a new language, its foreign to you, its just not natural, normally the opposite of what you are used to. Usually these languages very in countries, cultures, regions, or some other form of boundary. Now begin to think about how a computer runs, via an operating system of some type. Are all computers different in one way or another? Of course, read about the new science of Chaos to understand the order of disorder.

    Well over on this side you have Germany, while west a few hundred miles (heh) you have Britain. Their native languages are similar in some form or fashion, of course, but on the surface are entirely exclusive. Yet, when one wants to learn German or English they must undergo intensive study and practice. Now imagine what a programmer faces and how much time/thought goes into what everyday people take for granted.

    A programmer is a linguist, a lexicographer, a writer, a journalist, an artist. Just as one of the following or more above stated require certain tools/knowledge to do their particular job properly, a programmer must also master such things. For example, QT can be used to program graphics (artist).
    C/C++ fall most definitley under lexicographer, as these are the most definitive languages. A java programmer might be considered a linguist, whil'st a Microsoft based language programmer would be considered a journalist (Mostly distrusted and/or despised because of their lack of resource available to the public)

    A writer, on the other hand, is the programmer him/herself. A writer must use all of the above to formulate their ideas into an understandable and clear discourse of some form or another.

    Take this into account next time you meet a programmer. Give them food, for they are normally underpaid and mal-nourished :P .

    Next time you meet a programmer, say thanks, for he/she is your accountant, your banker, your stock broker, your company's adviser, your calculator, or any other occupation or tool you take for granted.

    Next time you decide to open your computer up to do work, think of your job, and how much you have to think in order to accomplish what you are required of to be done. And then think about a programmer, who in one way or another, made your job easier for you as it is today.

    edit >> typo, thanks HT

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Definately a great read man..... I like it ... a lot.

    It's so true.... Sometimes I wish people would realize how important we computer geeks really are. Society couldn't function today without us.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Very nice and well spoken :-)
    \"Trying to outsmart a compiler defeats much of the purpose of using one.\" — Kernighan & Plauger, The Elements of Programming Style.

  4. #4
    haha, just wondering why his 'one year ago' thread is positive and this one is still even - give him some more credit, i say

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