I was hoping this would have ended up on our Security News banner (that or we need an "announcements" type thingy).

FYI for all those interested:


"Hacking Exposed" Chat
June 9, 2003
By Enterprise IT Planet Staff

What if you could pick the brains of the security experts responsible for the Hacking Exposed series of books? That's exactly the opportunity About.com's Internet/Network Security Guide Tony Bradley is giving to security-minded admins on Thursday, June 12th.

"Hacking Exposed", currently in its 4th edition, is a well-regarded resource that examines the vulnerabilities that plague many networks and spotlights the tools and techniques often used by "black hat" hackers. The popular book has even spawned OS-specific variants for Linux and Windows 2000.

Certainly, this type of publication is not without its controversy. However, judging from the mostly glowing reviews at Amazon.com, network admins generally appreciate the candid discussion on the mindset of a hacker. In "exposing" the tricks of the trade, the authors delve into areas of network security eschewed by most best practices books.

Mr. Bradley, the About.com Guide responsible for educating IT professionals on network security, is extending an invitation to a chat with two out of the three authors, George Kurtz and Stuart McClure.

Co-author George Kurtz is the CEO of Foundstone, a security software provider. Stuart McClure is the firm's President/CTO. Aside from writing, both are speakers in security events. Joel Scambray (not participating in the chat) is the book's other co-author and is the Senior Director of MSN Security for Microsoft.