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  1. #1

    Port Scan

    My friend (whos really good hack0r) told me to scan as apparantly this lamer always has lots of ports open!! heh what a loser doesn't know how to close his ports


    p.s whats a port??

  2. #2
    Port (n)
    An opening in a ship's side providing access to the interior.
    A porthole.
    A cover for a porthole.
    An opening, as in a cylinder or valve face, for the passage of steam or fluid.
    A hole in an armored vehicle or a fortified structure for viewing or for firing weapons.

    An entrance to or exit from a data network.
    A connection point for a peripheral device.
    A gateway or portal, as to a town.

  3. #3
    It can also be an abbrieviated form of 'Teleport', ergo;

    "Mr spock, we must port to Deltor 9 hyperspace armada groove enterprise!!"
    "Aye captain, let us feast upon the corpses of geese that we will port throught the porting device after we port to Deltor 9"

  4. #4
    so people from a boat are beeming into this guys computer??? does the coast gaurd know??


  5. #5
    White wine is appropriate with fowl or fish, but for red meat a darker wine, or perhaps a little Port

  6. #6
    drunk sailors with access to advanced teleporting equipment sod the coast gaurd we need to tell the president!!!!!


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