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Thread: How can i send a message to my friends computer

  1. #21
    hi Abtronic,

    it is just to make fun with friends. pure curiosity.

    i dont understand why people here r so much worried and suspicios about using even such simple things.

    And if such attitude of senior members toward newbies will continue then i think in future no newbies will be able to survive on AO.

    anyway,i would say the same old sentence that every newbie when nagged says that is as follows......"i dont have malicious intentions at all or to spam any one."

    i hope this much is enough to convince anyone about my intentions.

    rest all lies in ur hands.
    SeCuRiTy MaKeS Me TeNsE

  2. #22
    Wow, its been a while since ive seen someone answer a question without actually answering the question.
    Heres a step by step tutorial on faking the name (please be advised i have absolutely no idea how to do this, have never tried it, and have no intentions of doing so.)

    1. Get the format of the message packet(s) from somewhere (packetsniffer, RFC, etc)
    2. Make a program that fakes the "computer name" field
    3. Use the program that fakes the "computer name" field
    4. Be happy and prance among the stars with the Gods
    (step 4 is optional)

  3. #23
    thanx abtronic,

    i`ll try to make one such program ' and i`ll be in touch with u, if i got stuck somewhere.
    SeCuRiTy MaKeS Me TeNsE

  4. #24
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    Nice one abtronic!

    It strikes me that the only reason to hide your identity is that you are either ashamed of WHO you are or WHAT you are?.......................or perhaps what you are about to do?

    From a security viewpoint, I would have thought that a proxy server would suffice?, and I am certaily aware of software that "claims" to anonymise your web presence and randomise things like your IP addy...............I am not sure what the gentleman is trying to achieve?

    If he is really up to no good, why on earth doesn't he go surf the "dark side", where I am sure he will find what meets his true requirements?

  5. #25
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    just go in to the start line and choose "run" then you write CMD and then you can send messages to all the computers on the network as well as only one of them!

  6. #26
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Why dont you try AOL Instant Messenger?

  7. #27
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    CMD to send messages eh? Goodness, all this time I've been using CMD for the wrong purpose....................................

    WANTED: Human Templates..............
    There are many rewarding oppurtunities awaiting composure from like minds and great ideas. It in my objective to interconnect great things.

  8. #28
    in the win2000/xp sys you can use the net send command.infact,in the programing we can use the two API implement,NetMessageBufferSend and SendMessage.

    C++ source,Please confence

    //cute here

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <wchar.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <locale.h>
    #include <lm.h>

    #define UNICODE
    #define _UNICODE

    #pragma comment(lib, "netapi32.lib")

    #define DEFAULT_TIMES 1

    int Usage(const wchar_t *prog)
    printf(" Usage:\r\n %S <target> [from] [times] [msg]\r\n", prog);
    puts("\t target : send target");
    puts("\t from\t: fake source what u want, default = your computer name");
    puts("\t times\t: send times, default = 1, set 0 for infinite");
    puts("\t msg\t: what message u want, include with \" & \"");

    return 0;

    int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])

    puts(" NetSend For Win2000 send message to target computer use 135/udp, --bingle\n");
    if(argc < 2)Usage(argv[0]);//must provide target

    wchar_t wfrom[100], *wtarget, buff[400];
    DWORD ret;

    wtarget = argv[1];
    if(argc > 2)wcscpy(wfrom, argv[2]);
    ret = 100;
    GetComputerNameW(wfrom, &ret);

    int times = DEFAULT_TIMES;
    bool bAlways = false;
    if(argc > 3)times = _wtoi(argv[3]);
    if(times == 0 && argv[3][0] == '\0') bAlways = true;//specify times = 0 for infinite
    if(times == 0 && !bAlways)
    printf(" Please specify Times to send!!\n");
    return 0;

    wchar_t msg[] = L"Alert! A Error ocurred in your Explorer.exe, System will shut down!";
    buff[sizeof(buff)/sizeof(*buff) - 1] = '\0';
    if(argc > 4)wcsncpy(buff, argv[4], sizeof(buff)/sizeof(*buff) - 1);
    else wcscpy(buff, msg);

    //parameter phase finish, print out
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    wprintf(L" Sending message '%s' From %s TO %s", buff, wfrom, wtarget);
    if(!bAlways)printf(" Total %d times.\n\n", times);
    else puts(" Infinitely!\n");

    HANDLE hcons = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hcons, &coninfo);
    COORD coord = coninfo.dwCursorPosition;
    if(coord.Y >= coninfo.dwSize.Y - 1)puts("");

    char out[5] = "|/-\\";
    // srand( (unsigned)time(0) );
    //win2000 pro only store up to 26 new messages
    for(int i = 0; bAlways || i < times; i ++)

    if(coord.Y >= coninfo.dwSize.Y - 1)coord.Y--;
    SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcons, coord);
    //output times counter
    printf("Sending %4u time %c\n", i + 1, out[i%4]);

    //if(buff[0] == L'~')buff[0]= L'!';
    //buff[0] ++;
    ret = NetMessageBufferSend(NULL, wtarget, wfrom, (unsigned char *)buff, wcslen(buff)*2);

    //sleep for a while,
    //if(i % 5 == 0)Sleep(1000);//rand() *5 /RAND_MAX * 1000);
    if(NERR_Success == ret)continue;
    if(NERR_NameNotFound == ret)printf("Net Error Target or Source Name Not Found, ");
    if(NERR_NetworkError == ret)printf("Net Error Network Error, ");
    printf("Error %u occurred, Send break.\n", ret);
    return 0;

    //cute here

  9. #29
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think a very important point was missed here when everyone was trying
    To answer kr4y3’s question.(unless I missed it. If I did I apologize)
    No one bothered to ask what syntax was used with the net send command..
    Was he net sending a computer name an or Ip address.

    If it was a computer name, it will never ever work regardless if port
    on remote PC was open or not..

    Router always filter broadcasts..If kr4y3 was netsending a computer name, that is
    A netbios/UDP broadcast, the router will filter it and not forward it..That is how routers work..

    All routers filter TCP broadcasts (if there is such a thing) and by default filter UDP as well.
    However routers can be forced to forward certain types of UDP broadcasts depending on router..
    (CIsco routers can do it with whats called an"Ip helper address command")

    This explains why command works locally at home,,All his PCs are on same broadcast domain/subnet…

    Again, If I missed something here, I apologize.


    To answer your question, this is achieved through NAT..
    Look at my responses on following thread:
    “computers behind routers/modems”

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