Preach on Acid Preach on.

I mean gnat come on man I will generally take up for you because your new. But, if you want ot learn I have to be honest you really should the way that r3fus3d said. Think about it it's safe noone wil get in trouble. Sadly enough if you do learn this way if you had Mallicious intent you would already know how to go about doing what you want. Now I will say that if you are going to have mallicious intent you should try to find a website that allows you to Hack them. good place to go and you can even learn a lot of things there you might see me around. Now just post your questions there about hacking. As a pre-note that is a White hat site so watch out on posting Mallicious intent topics.

Oh well hope you got something out of this have a nice one man and remember, through time you will learn everything that you need to know about computers, hacking, Hardware just read.
