Ok guys, i need your help big time.

I just went out and bought a SOYO P4VDA motherboard, and i'm running into some problems. I apparently got a few things right because i am able to get into the BIOS and configure the settings. However, when i go to install windows i keep getting errors like these:

Stop: c0000221 Unkown Hard Error


adup160m.sys is corrupted

I keep gettings similar errors like the one directly above this sentence; their always different but always end with "something.sys" is corrupted.

The hard drive is wiped and the CMOS has been cleared, so i wondered how it was that it was giving me errors such these. If the hard drive has been wiped and the CMOS cleared how is it that it's finding files corrupted? I was under the impression that no data was on the drive.

I have been reading the manual to the motherboard and have tried all the troubleshooting protocols, but i'm still getting stuck right at the end of the windows installation where it starts to say "starting windows"...... just as this pops up a file is shown as corrupted; different one every time.

What should i do guys, this is beginning to get a bit stressful? And is my assumption correct that there is nothing wrong with this mobo and or hardware since i'm getting this far in the process?

Note: this is my first attempt at building a box from scratch.

Any help is much appreciated.

Looking forward to your suggestions.
