hi ... (thats all for the hi part)

ok this is what i made ....

@echo off


rem This is a remark.. eh.. hello?
rem thanks to jethro ... i used his program as a base

echo Pressing CTRL+C cancels theis batch file program
echo Where do you want to go today? (tm)

echo 1) Give me a list of what in the amx forlder
echo 2) Give me a list of what in the dlls forlder
echo 3) Give me a list of what in the examples forlder
echo 4) Give me a list of what in the plugins forlder
echo 5) Give me a list of what in the logs forlder
echo 6) Give me a list of what in the compiled forlder
echo 7) Give me a list of what in the include forlder
echo 8) Send Dygear an email
echo 9) Go to amxmod.net


choice /c:123456789 Make your selection now:

IF ERRORLEVEL 9 goto amxmod
IF ERRORLEVEL 7 goto include
IF ERRORLEVEL 6 goto compiled
IF ERRORLEVEL 5 goto logs
IF ERRORLEVEL 4 goto plugins
IF ERRORLEVEL 3 goto examples
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 goto dlls
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto amx

goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your amx forlder amx.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx
dir > amx.txt
goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your dlls forlder dlls.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx\dlls
dir > dlls.txt
goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your examples forlder examples.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx\examples
dir > examples.txt
goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your plugins forlder called plugins.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx\plugins
dir *.amx > plugins.txt
goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your logs forlder called logs.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx\logs
dir > logs.txt
goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your compiled forlder called compiled.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx\examples\compiled
dir > compiled.txt
goto end

ECHO This program was created by Dygear
ECHO go to amxmod.net for some fun ...
ECHO this will make a file in your include forlder called include.txt
cd C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\addons\amx\examples\include
dir > include.txt
goto end

start mailto:DYGEAR@AOL.COM
goto end

start http://www.amxmod.net
goto end

echo Thank you for using my program
echo The end

[pong]... and it allways comes up with unknow command choice ... i am using windows XP[/pong]