So in other words the pseudo code would look something like:

Procedure Encrypt

strPassword as string
arPassword as array [1..length(Password)] of integer
intPassTotal as integer
strText as string
arEncodedText as array[1..length(text)] of char
strOutput as string

Begin commands

  Input Password

  For i = 1 to length(strPassword)  // Do a loop to assign the ascii val of the password to an array
    let arPassword[i] = Ascii(strPassword[i]) - 32
  end for

  Input Text
  let i2 = 1
  let i = 1

  For i = 1 to length(strText)  // Convert the numbers to an ascii value and store in an array
    arEncodedText[i] = Character(ascii(Text[i]) + arPassword[i2] - )
    i2 = i2 + 1
    If i2 > length(strPassword) then let i2 = 1
    If arEncodedText[i] > 126 then let arEncodedText[i] = arEncodedText[i] - 95 // If the ascii is greater than 126 subtract 95
                                                                                // How would this work when decrypted? How would you know
             									// whether to add 95 to reverse it? (trial and error??)
  end for
  let i = 1

  For i = 1 to length(strText)
    strOutput[i] = Character(arEncodedText[i])  
  end for

End procedure.