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Thread: New Live Security Distribution

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    New Live Security Distribution

    Two developers from Texas, USA have released their first open-source project. Theis project is called PHLAK, short for Professional Hacker's Linux Assault Kit. Phlak is a LiveCD Linux distribution with a focus on pen-testing, forensics, and network analysis. It includes two lightweight GUIs (XFCE4 and Fluxbox) and loads of tools, including crackers, sniffers, MITM utilities, and data recovery and duplication utilities. It includes a seven-step GUI to install to your hard drive if you desire.

    The developers of PHLAK welcome you to their project site: Feel free to grab a copy and leave some feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    w00t ..what do you think will this be a popular distribution ?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Memphis, TN
    w00t ..what do you think will this be a popular distribution ?
    Hell yeah.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So far we have been getting good feedback from the amount of users we have coming to the sight. We have yet to make it on Whenever that happens I look forward to the feedback we get from the user community.

  5. #5

    RE: Hate

    Is their server down, or is that just me...? I keep getting "connection refused." DOS perhaps?

  6. #6
    AO übergeek phishphreek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Is their server down, or is that just me...? I keep getting "connection refused." DOS perhaps?
    I had no problems connecting...

    If you just want the DL links...

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Sounds like a pretty nice distro! lots of insentive for the beginner in security. I will be making a download of it later on hopefully. hopefully only because im still on 56k haha

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -s-- -export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-in-3-lines-PERL
    ($k,$n)=@ARGV;$m=unpack(H.$w,$m.\"\\0\"x$w),$_=`echo \"16do$w 2+4Oi0$d*-^1[d2%
    Sa2/d0<X+d*La1=z\\U$n%0]SX$k\"[$m*]\\EszlXx++p|dc`,s/^.|\\W//g,print pack(\'H*\'
    ,$_)while read(STDIN,$m,($w=2*$d-1+length($n||die\"$0 [-d] k n\\n\")&~1)/2)

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    This is great...woot...almost 90% of security tool from PLAK..already installed on my BSD laptop
    aide, airsnort, amap, argus-client, argus-server, arpd, arping, arpwatch, autopsy, bfbtester, biew, bing, cabextract, cflow, cheops, chkrootkit, chntpw, cracklib2, cryptcat, darkstat, dlint, dnswalk, driftnet, dsniff, echoping, etherape, ethereal, ethereal-commo, ethereal-dev, ettercap-commo, ettercap-gtk, farpd, fenris, flawfinder, fping, fragroute, fragrouter, freeswan, ftp-ssl, gdb, gnupg, gtkrecover, hammerhead, hping2, httptunnel, httpush, hunt, icmpinfo, icmpush, idswakeup, ipchains, iproute, iptraf, iputils-ping, irpas, isic, john, kismet, l2tpd, lde, libcrypt-blowf, libcrypt-cbc-p, libcrypt-ciphe, libcrypt-crack, libcrypt-gpg-p, libcrypt-hcesh, libcrypt-passw, libcrypt-rijnd, libcrypt-smbha, libcrypt-sslea, libcrypt-unixc, libcrypto++-de, libcrypto++-ut, libcrypto++5, lsof, ltrace, macchanger, mtr, nasm, nast, nbtscan, nemesis, nessus, nessus-plugins, nessusd, netsed, ngrep, nikto, nmap, nmapfe, nstreams, ntop, openssl, p0f, packit, paketto, partimage, pnscan, pptpd, rarpd, recover, scanssh, scli, secpanel, sendip, sing, sleuthkit, smb-nat, socat, spikeprox, splint, ssh, ssh-askpass-gn, ssldump, strace, stunnel, stunnel4, sudo, tcpdump, tcpflow, tcpreplay, tcpslice, tcptrace, tethereal, transproxy, tsocks, valgrind, wipe

    Hand-compiled Packages, ADM-SAMBA-CLIENT, ADMsnmp, SPIKE, WAP_Assessment, babelweb, cmospwd, dcetest, dcfldd, dd_rescue, ddb-sfe, di, domainobsencontroll, fatback, ffp, grenzgaenger, hackbot, hellkit, hjksuite, hydra, ipsorc, isnprober, itunnel, lcrzeox, lj, login_hacker, mac-robber, manipulate_data, md5deep, memfetch, netcat(compiled statically with Big-Gaping Security Hole), numby, obiwan, objobf, ol2mbox, onesixtyone, pandora-linux, photorec, pwl9x, rda, redir, reverb, revinetd, samba-tng, sara, screamingCobra, secure_delete, sharefuzz, shiva, slogdump, snapscreenshot, tarballz, tct, thcrut, tnef, vmap, walker, wardrive, whisker, zylyx
    Thanks alot for the link..I've been downloading right now ..

    Not an image or image does not exist!
    Not an image or image does not exist!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Hey thanks for the heads up ive checked it out and its very cool. Plus it introduced me to a new favorite GUI "XFCE4" man its IMO so much less bloated than KDE i think its great. i Gotta install it on my slackware box now.

    I only got one beef that is keeping me from giving it a 10. I couldnt find emacs anywheres on it. Maybe only a minor beef but as far as programming goes, for me emacs is a must. Other than that i thinks its great. Thanks A lot goonsqad.

    the Open Source model doesn\'t offer any great benefit in
    terms of reliability and security. -Bill Gates

  10. #10


    Intresting distro. Will have a look at it.


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