This is a basic tutorial on C++. If this has already been done, sorry. Part of the reason for this tutorial is to ring in my upgraded membership to AO member instead of newbie. The other reason is to educate those who need it. Lets start the tutorial.
A beginners guide to C++ (Written by beginners for beginners)
First off, finding a good compiler. I use MSVC but I have heard good things about DevC/C++. there are other forums which address this problem. The most important part of coding is making readable code. I will include some examples that are in good form in another post. I will also talk about form throughout this tutorial. To include text that won't be compiled (Meaning C++ compiler will skip over it) use this /*insert text here that you wish to be ignored. This is good for as many lines as are kept between the asterix and slash*/ or //this is only good for the current line.
1) The libraries; you must always select a library to use. The only library you will be dealing with right now is "iostream.h". The code for a library looks like this:
#include <iostream.h>
#include must always be used and the library must always be between <>. This is always the first line of code. Next line of code should be:
int main()
Just include this and don't ask why yet. We will hit that later. Remember int main() must always be in your program outside of the brackets.
Lets skip ahead to the fun stuff:

/* Ian A. AKA Dark Star Prometheus 10/19/03 Hello world*/
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
{ //always use this bracket here
cout<<"Hello World!"; //cout *, "" *!, ;*|
return(0); //return (0) just tells the computer that the program executed normally
} //need bracket here too.
* cout stand for console out, it just means that the computer is going to display text.
*! "" are just used to denote text that will be displayed.
*| ; this symbol just means the end of a line. You will almost always use this(Except for IF statements and some others. that will be later though.)
You should indent the lines after the bracket so your code is easier to read.
2) More with cout. cout can be used for more than just printing text, it can also play with numbers. Mathematical operations in C++ are addition "+", subtraction"-", multiplication"*", and division"/". That's it, Yes that is really it. Oh so I lied, shoot me. There is also Modulus "%". This mods the numbers, example: 22%5 = 2. This is basically the left over amount from 5 going into 20 - current number. I hope you get it, it is hard for me to explain. It is the remainder, that is the word I wanted! 22 mod 5= 2 the remainder (cause 20/5 4 times and 2 is left over from 22) Anyway mod is used often, so learn it.
now on to practical use of this info.
cout<< Oh yeah I forgot to mention before, you always need "<<" it signify's the start of a new command.
cout<< 20 * 5;
the above line will not print "20 * 5" when the program is compiled, it will display 100, which is the answer. This is how one creates math problems in C++.
Some code to demonstrate:

#include <iostream.h>
int main()
cout<<"This program will display the area of a circle"<<endl; //endl just skips to the next line
//when the program is compiled and run.
cout<<"Radius = "<<10<<endl;
cout<<"Area = "<<3.14*10*10;
When run this program will display the following lines:
This program will display the area of a circle
Radius = 10
Area = 314

See what it did? It did exactly what I told it to do. Multiplied 3.14 *10 *10 the equation for calculating the area of a circle. This is all for now. I will do more tommorow.
Any questions/comments/flames should be posted or emailed.
If you have an urgent question feel free to E-mail me at
More on this tommorrow. Bye!