Java Tutorial #2
By: h3r3tic

Please read my first tut before reading this one. I write this one
assuming you have read the first one found here:

I'll start off with a simple program using arrays:

import java.util.*;

public class ArrayTest 
	public static void main(String args[])
		Random gen = new Random(31459);
		int[] array1 = new int[10];
		int[] array2 = {10,20,30,40,50};
		for(int i = 0; i<array1.length; i++){
			array1[i] = gen.nextInt(100) + 1;
	public static void printArray(int[] a){
      for (int i=0; i<a.length;i++){
        System.out.print(a[i] + " ");
the output of this program would be:
84 8 85 90 48 98 2 79 25 41

Now let's analyze:

the first line:import java.util.*;
imports all of the packages of util including Random,
which is the one we used.

Then we declare a new instance of the Random class
called gen:
Random gen = new Random(31459);

The numbers in the parenthesis are the seed of Random.
If you change the numbers you will get different
Random numbers, but if you don't, you will get the
same "Random" numbers each time the program is run.

next two lines:
int[] array1 = new int[10];
int[] array2 = {10,20,30,40,50};

the first one declares a new integer array called array1.
The 10 in square brackets sets the size of the array.
Arrays always start at position zero so this array would go from 0-9.
The second part is initializing array2 to the values in the
brackets. That is the standard way of giving initial values
to arrays. in this example array2 would have 5 values going
from position 0-4 shown below. Which brings us to the next


This prints out the value stored in position 2 of array2.
 0  1  2  3  4
Now for the next part:

for(int i = 0; i<array1.length; i++)

This is a for loop which takes the random values and stores
them in the positions of

here is standard for loop format:
for (int i=0;                  i<array1.length; 
initialize counter  conditional statement which breaks loop

increment counter
once i hits 10, which is the value of array1.length, it will
break out of the loop because the conditional statement
is failed.

Now this part:
array1[i] = gen.nextInt(100) + 1;

this stores a different random number in each position of
the array. The positions are given by the value of the
counter i. gen.nextInt(100) gives us random values of
0-99 so we add one it to get values from 1-100.

printArray(array1); calls the printArray method which
I will talk about in just a second. The array1 part
in parenthesis is the parameter you are sending as the
(int[] a) part of the actual method. So all the stuff
referred to as a in the printArray method, is actually
the parameter we send in which is array1.

Now to explain the printArray() method:
public static void printArray(int[] a)

you have to include static in the head of this method
because we are using variables from the main method
which is static. The (int[] a) part is set to the
value put in when we call the method from main which
is (array1). The void part I can't explain, but
there are also return type methods which you can
use where you would replace the word viod with the
type of value you are returning such as String.
I might give an example later in the tut if I

Now the guts of the printArray method:
for (int i=0; i<a.length;i++){
        System.out.print(a[i] + " ");
the line beginning with for is the same as above
except we are using a.length instead of array1.length,
even though a represents array1 in this method. The
System.out.print(a[i] + " "); prints the value from
each position of the array with a space following it.
Notice how it is print instead of println, this is
because we don't want a new line after each print,
which is also why it is smart to put the space in.
Then we do the System.out.println(); after all the
values of the array are print out to make a new line
so the next output won't come up on the same line.

Here is another program:

public class WordTest 
	public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
		BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader
		(new InputStreamReader(;
		System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
		String one = input.readLine();
	public static String getString(String str){
          int i = 1;
        return "hello again";
You start off with another import statement except
this time it is to get the package that lets you
input data from the keyboard.

The throws IOException is there to get rid of errors.
You do a lot of exception throwing java so get used to it.

Next we instantiate our instance of the BufferedReader
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(;

This is the standard syntax, or at least it was for
me in high school. So just stick to using that.

Now for the next two lines:
System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
String one = input.readLine();

The first line prompts the user for a string, and
the second one uses the BufferedReader object "input"
that we just created along with the built-in method
readLine() to read the input. I'm pretty sure you
will always use the readLine() method for any input.
Notice we set the users input equal to the String
one, this will be passed as a parameter to our
getString method.

The getString() method:
public static String getString(String str){
    for (int i=1; i<=str.length();i++){
    return "hello again";
First off we'll look at the parenthesis. The
String str part is set to the parameter we
passed in the main method, which is the String
one. So now str will be a reference to one
when used within the method. The while loop basically
just checks a conditional statement each time
it runs through and as soon as it is false
it breaks out of the loop. I initialized i to 1
then checked to see if it was less than the length
of the String. Each time it was less than the String
it would go throught the while loop hitting the part
that says i++. This increments i so that eventually
it will be greater than the length of the string.
Then it would exit the loop because the conditional
statement I setup would be false.
The str.substring(0,i) part is refering
to a substring of str. Let me explain,
substring is built-in to the String class
and no imports are needed for it. It can
only be used on Strings. 0 is always the
very first letter of the string. So here
we are printing out the first letter of the
string on every line up to position i.
When i is finally equal to str.length(), then
the whole word is printed out. If you were
to just do str.substring(0) it would simply
print out the whole word because you specified
a substring starting at the first letter without
an ending, so it prints to the last letter.
The return part is required for any method with
a data type in the head(String, int, double).
Here we used String (public static String
getString(String str)). So we have to return a
String withing the method. If I had used int we
would have had to return an int. I could have
just used void instead of String and left out
the return statement, but I wanted to teach you all
about return methods.

Now for one last program which will demonstrate GUI
input and output without using an applet:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class GuiTest
   public static void main(String args[])
	String strnum1;
	String strnum2;
	int num1;
	int num2;
	int sum;
	strnum1=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a NUMBER");
	strnum2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter another NUMBER");
	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You Entered: "+ strnum1 + 
	"+" + strnum2 + "=" + sum);
Again we started off by using an import. This time we
imported the JOptionPane package. The first few
lines you should already know what they do.

Now for the interesting lines:
strnum1=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a NUMBER");
strnum2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter another NUMBER");

These two lines prompt the user to input two numbers, it
will pop up with a box for the user to input the numbers
into. This is standard notation for input with JOptionPane,
so use it.

Next we have:

num1 and num2 both take the input of the user and
convert it to integers using Integer.parseInt(strnum1);
or Integer.parseInt(strnum2); for the second one.
You can also do Double.parseDouble, but you can't
do String because it is already a String to begin
with. sum just takes the values of num1 and num2
and adds them together.

The last two lines:
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You Entered: "+ strnum1 +
"+" + strnum2 + "=" + sum);

First let me say that what I consider a line ends at
each semicolon. So the first two parts of that are
one line. the showMessageDialog() is standard for
JOptionPane so again I'll say use it. You must
have the "null," at the start of the parenthesis
or it won't work. Then you just add all the
values you want to output concatenating then
with plus(+) signs. The last line I believe is
also standard for JOptionPane, it just ends the program.

There you have it, my second java tutorial(If you don't count
the one on applets). I don't know if I will write anymore,
it depends on the feedback I get on this one. This should
give you all a few tools of java to mess around with for a
while. Hope I converted everyone to java, and helped you
to understand it. And don't forget to have a cup of java
every day.