I'm working on my CCSP and I'm learning how to prevents rerouting/replay/hijack attacks. My question is... I'm wondering if anyone know HOW to construct these types of attacks? Many tutorials or book I have read give info on these types of attacks, but doesn't go into enough detail to actually carry them out. And the tutorials that do cover this area just ramble on about skiddie progs. I would like to learn how to construct packets with data to change a routing table or how to properly hijack a TCP/IP session. I do have a good understanding of the TCP/IP protocol stack and sniffing networks so I don't need a beginner's guide.

And please don't point me to script kiddie progs and I already know the "Hacking Exposed" definition. So, if anyone is willing to point me towards a good tutorial or book please let me know. Actually any help would be greatly appreciated.
