2 months ago i thought my pc may have many (: BAD trojans and virus. So i did a search and i found the greatest trojan defense system - 3 of DiamondCS. I saw a review about it and i was amazed by its power. On the other hand i thought they may have made it big deal, but as i installed it. It found so many trojans and reg keys, but also some virus (even it is a TROJAN defense system-it also can find SOBIG and BLASTER). Then i realized that it is true. This is the ultimate defence prog from trojans.
It has some enchanted utilities to test how when a trojan get activated it kill and deleted like NetBus. It has a good alarm from the PC speaker (the beeps we hear sometimes). It can scan any pc on any network u are part of it and find open ports. It also has a port refence so when u see from the scanner that a port is open check what trojan is running through this port.
Get it as soon as possible. It updates about 2 a week.