First of all I would like to apologize to the admin if this queston has been posted 1000's of times. I really enjoy your site, but i was wondering if there could be a forum for people who are just starting out could communicate with each other without having to waste alot of the experienced peoples time putting up our newb posts all over the boards. Which most newb questions are probably already on the site but the site is so vast sometimes its hard to find if you are new to this.

I understand there is a newb forum to learn the rules and read tutorials which is perfect, but if there was a forum that consolodated the super newbs into one place to help each other and just chat about what they have learned that would be great .

I would really like to learn a lot and I beleive this would help a great deal. Again I apologize if this idea has been asked before or if there is a newbie chat that is right under my nose( I got a.d.d. so i overlook the obvious sometimes).

If you did decide to make one of these forums it would need to be like super super noobish like kindearten class. Because alot of people who have a great deal of knowledge still consider themselves to be newbs. But if there was a supernoob forum we could ask eacher other the most primitive question without fear of being made fun of. Gotta crawl before you can walk.

so thanks for all the time you took to read this post that was probably way too long. And if there is a place like this just give me hyperlink and excuse my retardedness. i'll keep my idiocy to a minimum.

thx again