A friend of mine asked if you can use MSDOS to hack:
here was my response, anyone have anything to add?

examples of useful commands:

tracert ipaddress or domain
traces the path from your computer to their computer, you can then use whois lookups on each node to determine the physical path from your computer to theirs

ping yahoo.com
checks if yahoo's computer is up

net send * Hello everyone!
sends the message Hello everyone! to everyone on a network, if you were to loop this you would have a simple DOS attack

o **.***.***.** port
telnet to that address that port
can be used for grabbing banners: telnet to a computer and if you don't get a banner hit enter a few times, when you get a banner it will look like this:

Sun OS 5.7
Welcome to *****


now without logging in you can already know some wonderful info, you can see from the top that this computer is running Solaris 5.7, you now can attack the computer based on exploits and weaknesses on the Solaris 5.7 OS

o **.*.***.***
sometimes you can login in anon to a system and ftp the password file, then you can run a software on it and find all the systems passwords

netstat -o

would result in something like this:
Active Connections
Proto Local address foreign address state
TCP you.port them.port ESTABLISHED

you could use this to see all the active connections your computer currently has,
lets say you want to find the ip address of someone on aim, type that command, then direct connect to that user on aim, now when you run the command again you will see a new item in the list, that is the new connection, the foreign address is the buddy's ip address, remember that most people have dial up so when that person signs off its likely that they will not have that ip address the next time they log on