If i type in an Internet café to the command line ipconfig, it writes to me only the IP adress of the router.(I think, it is a router, because if I scan ports on that IP adress, it shows me nothing and I am sure they haven't firewall there) But how can I get the "real" IP adress of the computer(I think that if I scan it, it shows me the port it is running)?Or, more exactly, how can I go over the router?I've tried link myipadress.com, but it doesn't work. Can you help me?

And if somebody has open a www site(port 80), and i scan ports on his computer, will it shows to me without port 135 and 139 also port, on which is the page sending data to him(For example 80)?
I will know it only for information value, not for hacking and destroying the pages.