Gigabyte, the Belgian girl (19) who wrote the first-ever C# virus, was arrested by Belgian authorities.

The Sharp virus (aka W32/Sharp-A and W32/Sharpei@mm) is a proof of concept virus, written in 2002 by Gigabyte aka MetaPhase. She always claimed she wrote the virus to "break the stereotype that virus-writers are always male".

Sophos info on Sharp

On Saturday, GigaByte was arrested. She claims she only wrote the virii and never spread them. In that case, Belgian authorities don't have a case, since writing virii is, as in the US, not illegal in Belgium. If found guilty, she faces 3 years in jail and a 100,000 Euro fine.

Source (in Dutch)

Her website ( has been taken down, too.

Only about a year ago, she hooked up (irl) with Nostalg1c, who is a former member of the hacking group that defaced the White House website.

GigaByte was heard saying back then that "Belgian police could care less that two of the country's most notorious computer malcontents are romantically entwined. If they care at all, they'll see it as a positive thing. Because, after all, while we're busy with each other, we're usually away from the computer".
