Now I am hoping that I am reading this wrong.
After signing up at the HotSpotVPN Web site, the service e-mails you a randomly created password that is between 13 and 16 characters in length. The company says it selected that length to prevent successful dictionary attacks.

After receiving the password, I set up HotSpotVPN by using the Windows XP (news - web sites) wizard for creating a VPN connection, a process that took just a couple of minutes. I created a shortcut to the VPN on the desktop and, after logging on to a hotspot, I simply double-clicked the icon to automatically log on to HotSpotVPN. After that, access to the Internet proceeded normally.
Are they just selling you a password??
HotSpotVPN is reasonably priced and supports a wide variety of platforms. It costs $8.88 per month and the vendor says it plans to offer daily subscriptions for roughly a third that amount.
From their website <>, I got this:
No additional software is needed.

If you are running Apple MAC OS X, Microsoft Windows XP, 2k, or NT you only need to configure your existing software to use this service. Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD users are also supported.
Am I missing something here, or can I start making money by sending passwords to people over the internet, so they can configure their own VPN?