Originally posted here by Lansing_Banda
Are you downloading the updates with mozillia or IE. I tried for a week to upgrade with mozilla and nothing would work either, then I tried IE and it worked fine.

Next, have you deleted all the files you downloaded and downloaded them fresh again?

Otherwise there might just be a bug that you have to wait out.
I'm downloading using IE 6 sp1 with all other patches. I thought that the only way you can use windows up date is through the IE client? If I try to use something like mozilla, I'm told that I have to use IE.

Thank you for your interest in Windows Update

Windows Update is the online extension of Windows that helps you get the most out of your computer.

You need to be running a version of Internet Explorer 5 or higher in order to use Windows Update.

Download the latest version of Internet Explorer

Once Internet Explorer is installed, you can go to the Windows Update site by typing http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com into the address bar of Internet Explorer.

If you prefer to use a different Web browser, updates to Windows may be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center.
I have deleted every trace of the failed install and files that I could find.

When the update starts to install itself, it hangs and I can see it in task manager.
If I kill that specific update, all the rest scroll through very quickly but they ALL fail.

I'll have to dig a little deaper and look for the logs to see what exactly is failing...

ShagDevil: I come up with the same results that you are. None that explain it in english...

Thanks for looking though. I really appreciate it.