Okay so nihil just recently informed me of the CIH virus which I was currently unaware of. What this virus does is

1.) Overights the first meg of you hardrive causing data loss and in some cases, causes your bios to not load that drive
2.) It attempts to dump data into the BIOS thus basically destorying a end-users pc.

Well I have been researching this idea, and I have found many viruses that attempt to flash the bios, but I was thinking about other methods as well.

I found another one called Beast 4 that causes the CD-Rom drive to open and close repeatadly during 9 pm to 6- am. This, if unchecked, would no doubt destroy the drive. More info here

So what else could be done with a hardware virus? Fast resolution changes of one's monitor eventually burning it out is one possibility. Production of insanely high or low tones to destory speakers is another. For computers that have software to controll their fans, what about stopping those, or jacking there speed up to ungodly levels? How about the printer? A neverending "echo" command to the local printer and before to long all your ink is gone. These are some ideas I found on the internet. I haven't actually seen a viruse exploit these, but they are all feasable and probobly not that hard to produce. I thought it would be fun to have a little discussion on hardware viruese and just how far they could go to actually "destorying" a computer.