some friends and i are doing a proyect in which we evalue the people preferences so we ask for your help.

you prefer to:

1 read
A: novels
B: science fiction topics
C: horror topics
D: mature topics

2 eat
A: fruits and vegetables
B: meat
C: milk and cheese
D: light food

3 study
A: maths
B: phisics
C: chemestry
D: history

4 practice
A: football
B: volleyball
C: tennis
D: golf

5 spend your free time
A: doing exercise
B: watching tv
C: sleeping
D: studing

6 if someone tell you the posibility of .... you decide to
A: help poor people
B: help people with phisical problems
C: visit old people who are alone
D: playing with abandones youn people

7 listen
A: rock
B: rap
C: clasis, world
D: techno

8 if you are forced to choise only ones parent but the other will be killed you select
A: your mom
B: your dad
C: your brother
D: your sister

you are alone and see a train coming the rail was on contruction so all people in tain are going to die you see abridge but if the birdge put down then someone who are down the bridge are going to die.

you are so far from the person who are down the bridge and the train is very faster soy you need to choise between teh group of people and the person
9 then you sacrifice
A: the group of people who are on the train
B: the boy

10 now the person who is down the bridge are your brother so you sacrifice
A: yor brother
Z: the group

11 now the goup are your family so you sacrifice
A: the boy
B: your family

12 now both so you sacrifice
A: your brother
B: your family

13 now your family are on the train but your mother is on the bridge so you sacrifice
A: your family
B: your mother

well those are th question so please answer in tis way.

puting the letter that you think is the best.
if you have time tell me about your dilemma between questions 8 to 13.
well thanks