Hexadecimal base16 numbering system.

if you do not know binary or you have not read my first tutorial plz do because it should help you out a bit when it comes to under standing this tutorial because it is something you must know for this tutorial you can find my tutorial here or you can find it just under this one.

First hexadecimal or hex is a base 16 numbering system which means it has 16 different characters in it they are 0-9 and a, b, c, s, e, f. when you see a hex number it will look one of 2 ways it will just be number and letters "2a" or it will start with 0x "0x2a" they bolt me the same thing in this tutorial all hex number will be written with out the "0x" for conveinces purposes.

Ok now lets get started to convert hex to base10 numbering system you first have to make it binary how you do that is by breaking up the symbols in the hex number and making each one
4 bits how you do this sounds hard to people who have never done it before but once you get it it will be very easy. Now lets say you have a hex number of "11" they way you would make it in to
binary is to break up the binary standard 8 zeros in to 4 the last 4 zeros of the 8 so it will be the zeros that represent 1,2,4,8 and that is all you need. Ok now lets convert it
|  1  |  1  |
|0001 | 0001|
ok now you ask why did we make the first 0 a 1 that is because what you do it convert the hex digit in binary a 1 you make a 1 in binary and a 2 you make a 2 "0010"
and a 3 a 3 "0011" and so on up till 9 then what you do is you string the 2 sets of 4 binary digits
together so now instead of 2 separate blocks of 4 we have 1 hole block of 8 like this "00010001"
which it 17 in base10 (now just if you are wondering why I put the 1s on top of the 0s it is to make it easer to see how you convert the 1s hex to 1s binary and then combine them). Here is another example.
|   2  |   2 |  
| 0010 | 0010|
|   00100010 |
|     34     |
But what if your hex number has letters in what to do no problem it is simple you know it goes from 0-9 well when you it "A" you just make it a 10 when you convert it like this
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   a  b  c  d  e  f
                     10 11 12 13 14 15
so say you have the hex number "ff" all you do it this
| f  |  f |
| 15 | 15 |
|   255   |
and one more with a combination of letters "AF"
| a  | f  |
| 10 | 15 |
|   175   |
Now if you have more than 2 Number or ltter combinations like "1AF" all you do is add 4 extra bits
like so.
|   1  |   a  |   f  |
| 0001 | 1010 | 1111 |
|        431         |
how i come up with 431 is the 8th 0 from the right is 128 and I double that to the 9th 0 which is then 256 and so on. If you have more than 3 hex symbols you just keep doing the same thing until you have all the symbols represented with 4 bits.

I hope you like my tutorial it is only my second if you need any help understanding something plz pm me i will be glade to help because I don’t know how good a job I did of explaining hex.

If you have any suggestions about this tutorial plz post it.